[Chapter 28 part 1] Soul - The Field of Graves

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"And there's your guide." Emerit announced, retreating back inside. The man approaching was in his mid twenties, wearing Xarth's customary black, "I'm Patrick Lonshire. Are you the adventurers I'm guiding?"

When they jumped down and introduced themselves, Patrick looked them over with concern, "Not to be rude, but aren't you extremely young? The undead don't play around."

"We've faced them before." Soul assured him.

"I haven't though." Kate muttered.

"Don't worry, I'll keep you safe." Silver preened. It's not often he's the more knowledgeable one.

"We're mostly familiar." Soul repeated. "But if you're nervous, you can wait outside of the Field of Graves."

"Oh, no," Patrick said quickly. "This isn't about me. The undead will prioritize me last since I've taken the oath. Only once you're all dead would I be in danger. No offense, but I'll have fled long before then."

That's a relief. They wouldn't have to protect a non-combatant.

"If everyone's prepared, we should head off." Patrick suggested. "I might not be as strong, but I'll get you there by midday."

"Give us a minute..." Soul walked to Wise and whispered. "Do you need a lift?"

"I'll be fine. Yesterday Radin corrected many basic mistakes, and my strength has nearly doubled." If he says so. "Also, you're focusing on the wrong person." Wise glanced towards Dawn, who surveyed the scenery with revulsion. She probably considers today a self-improvement torture session.

Soul returned to Patrick, "Are there multiple routes we could take? My sister over there has developed a mild fear of highs after a nasty fall."

"I'll do what I can, but this is the Twisted Lands." Patrick said. "And there's no avoiding the last part. Perhaps she should stay behind?"

"No, I'll come." Dawn cut in sharply.

Soul sighed, "Thanks for the advice, but we'll manage." Besides, if this turns out 'A' difficulty, we'll need her.

"Suit yourselves." Patrick shrugged, leading them onto a beaten path at a pace no ordinary person could match. Soul was pleased to see Wise kept up without issue. What Radin did is impressive.

They traveled from one snaking strand to another, at times running upside down, at others perpendicularly. Unsurprisingly, the vegetation is sparser below. Dawn keep her gaze focused towards her feet.

They made good progress... mostly. Dawn insisted on walking the rope bridges connected broken strands. This hadn't been so bad at first, but then they'd hit this spot. Four long gaps in succession. They were watching from the far side.

"We can't keep this up." Free complained.

"Don't worry." Patrick said. "This strip feeds into the Field of Graves, eleven uninterrupted miles. Your sister will be fine until the Fold."

"The fold?" Soul asked.

"Where the undead retreat during the day. They hate the sun." We'll face that hurdle when we get there.

"Is that a griffin?" Light asked. Far off, a majestic creature soared towards them.

"Yes, they're common here." Patrick explained. "They feed on flying kangaroos and rock bison. Look there." Two-legged creatures were grazing on a grassy underside. Sensing the predator, they jumped high and glided towards a grove of trees. The winged beast dove in pursuit. They won't make it.

Suddenly, something massive dropped down. The griffin veered away, screeching, as it swung through the kangaroos, snatching four in its multiple claws.

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