We both look a mess and at this point, even a blind person could see that we haven't slept properly in a long time, so I take Anna to the car, noticing that Luciano and the others have already left the table that they were in when Anna noticed them.

She doesn't say anything about it but I can feel her grip on my shirt becoming slightly stronger as we pass by.

I walk us to the car, open the door for her and softly drop her on the passager sit, seconds later I sit on the driver seat and turn the engine on and start driving fast, but not fast enough to make her uncomfortable with the speed, only enough so I can hold her again once we get to my house.

Anna is looking out of the window, her legs pulled up to her chest as her head is leaning to the side. She is focused on her own thoughts and I can see her confusion from here, she is most likely deciding what she is going to do with this whole situation.

She takes a few glimpses at me from time to time and I decide to pretend that I don't notice when the glimpse becomes a stare. Anna does this all of the time if I am being honest, sometimes is like time stops to her and she just stares and goes through all of my features, it has actually never made me uncomfortable, in fact, it makes me believe that she pays attention to the smallest things, like she said today and confirmed my thoughts.

I never thought that she would want to know things about me such as my favorite colour, and who my family was, but it seems like she does and I am willing to tell her everything she wants to know, that is one of the reasons we are going to my house and not hers as we always do.

One of the others is that Akira lives with me and she is worried about her friend, and I am almost sure that Yoru is nearby probably on the roof of some neighbor or sitting on top of a tree, she has always been a fan of heights.

"Where are we going?" She asked in a whisper, it was so low that I almost didn't catch it. Her gaze turns to me and her big doe eyes stare into mine for a second before I look at the road ahead of us again.

"To my house." I simply answer and from the side of my sight, I can see a frown taking place in her face before she nods slowly.

"Why yours?" There was genuine curiosity in her voice and I love how even when she is mad, her curiosity still wins and she asks all the questions she wants without hesitation, I am more than willing to answer them at this point, her voice brings a sense of comfort and calm into me.

"You want to get to know me better don't you?" I ask and she nods. "Then seeing the place where I live is the best place to get to know me better."

And with that said, a small grin makes its way into her lips, an image that I have been missing for a long. She looks hesitant to say something and I imagine that she already wants to start making questions.

"You can ask anything you want, amor." I smirk as her eyes are filled with a shine, almost the same that you see in a child when you give them ice cream and let them fill you with questions.

I will give her ice cream once we get there.

"What is your favorite colour?" She turns her whole figure to me, giving me all of the attention that was a while ago being given to the window and the view from outside.

"Probably black." It is the colour I use most and it matches anything, besides, it's dark.

"Come on, give me something more colourful." She pleads.

"Blood red." That one is self-explanatory.

I hear a sigh followed by a small chuckle coming from Anna as she shooks her head in disbelief.

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