Chapter 66

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A/N: Fuck yeah!  We've finally made it to 100 followers!  I know that 100 isn't that large of a number, but it is much more than I expected.  I didn't think I would get this much views or comments or votes, but I greatly appreciate it all.  Thank you for supporting me this far!  I hope to continue writing stories that y'all enjoy reading.

Y/N's Pov

Miko, Thalassa, and you clutch onto Ratchet's shoulder as he swims under the water and through the twisting tunnels.  Knockout, Breakdown, and Bulkhead swim beside Ratchet, holding their weapons ready.  You readjust the oxygen mask that Shockwave made, hoping that it won't burst as the water pressure increases.

"Get back.  I sense something," Bulkhead says suddenly, stopping in the middle of the hall.

"You sense something? Yeah right," Ratchet huffs.

"No, I'm serious.  I can feel the water rippling over there," Bulkhead says, pointing to a turn in the rocky hallway.

"I don't feel anything," Ratchet retorts.

"Maybe your just getting old, doc," Knockout jokes.  "But I also feel it too."

"Yeah, I can defiantly feel it too," Breakdown adds.  "Also, does anyone smell blood?"

Ratchet's brow furrow as he takes deep breaths to calm down, knowing that getting into an argument now won't help the situation.

Bulkhead carefully approaches the corner, holding the Forge of Solus Prime in his hands.  He quickly swims around the corner, and all you can hear is a muffled scream.  The rest of you guys quickly follow Bulkhead to see him holding a familiar male by the back of his shirt.  You feel relief as you realize that it is Usi being held by Bulkhead and not one of Ebony's men.  Usi twists and turns, trying to get out of the merformer's grip as Thalassa swim over to him and takes his duffel bag before cheering loudly.

"Yes!  You're our savior, Usi," Thalassa tells him as she pulls out a fancy looking harpoon gun from the bag.

Usi uses some sign language to communicate with Thalassa, his breathing apparatus not allow him to talk like we can.

"Injured!" Thalassa suddenly exclaims.  "Where?!"

Usi shrugs and gestures to his leg before Thalassa begins to poke at the area, causing him to wince.  Thalassa rummages around in the duffel bag for a bit before giving Usi a pointed look.

"Didn't bring a first-aid kit?" she groans.

Usi gives he a sheepish grin and nods.  Thalassa sighs and rips the bottom of her shirt to tie around Usi's bleeding thigh.  Usi thanks her by giving her a thumbs-up, which Thalassa responds by calling him an "idiot".

"Alright then, we have weapons and an injured teammate," Thalassa says.  "Y/N, you think you can handle a gun?"

"Sure?" you reply, unsure of your abilities.

"This a special harpoon gun that can be fired in the water without being slowed by the waves," Thalassa passes over her fancy harpoon gun and teaches you how to use it.

"Miko, I don't trust you with anything but these smoke bombs.  They release a ink substance that will cloud the water," Thalassa instructs as she hands Miko a couple of round balls.

Miko nods and holds them tightly in her hands as Thalassa takes out another harpoon gun for herself and one for Usi.

"Let's get back to trying to find the others," Ratchet offers as we all begin to swim off again.

Thelonious' Pov

"Ow, my head hurts," I think to myself as I blink my eyes open.

I'm instantly greeted by yelling, but luckily, it is not directed at me.

"What do you mean you let him get away!" Ebony yells at the guards who created a protective circle around Megatron and me.

"We don't know how it happened!  He just broke the cuffs or something!" one of the guards says fearfully.

"Ethan!  Did you help him escape?" Ebony says, turning to Ethan.

My eyes widen.  Ethan is working for Ebony!?  How can that be?

"No, why would I capture him and then help him escape?" Ethan reasons.  "I'm one of your most trusted allies, and you accuse me of helping the enemy?"

"You're right," Ebony tells him.  "I just need to get better soldiers who can actually swim."

Ebony glares at her men before storming away.  I look up at Ethan, hurt by his betrayal.  I really thought we were friends.  To my surprise, Ethan looks down at me to meet my gaze.  Ethan has on a look of determination and hurt on his face.

"Leave us.  You're all obviously incompetent.  I guard them by myself," Ethan orders the men as they give each other uncertain looks.

But, eventually they nod and leave to go help out somewhere else.  Once they are all gone from sight, Ethan crouches down to my level and begins to pick the lock on my cuffs.

"You betrayed us," I growl as I try to push him away.

Ethan sits back and allow me to yell at him, "I know.  But I changed my mind."

"You captured Usi, that doesn't seem like you saw the light," I respond, pulling myself closer to Megatron's body and away from Ethan.

"I pretended to 'capture' him to help him sneak past the guards.  Then I slipped him the keys to his cuffs and helped him escape.  I'm really sorry, Thelonious.  I just want to help now," Ethan says, looking down sadly.

"It's true.  We can trust him," a voice says behind me.

I look up to see Megatron's eyes open as he looks at the both of us.  I trust Megatron, but I'm not sure how much of Ethan's story could be the truth.

"Alright then, but if you try to go behind our backs, I'll have Megatron eat you," I threaten.

"I'll just bit you in half.  Human flesh tastes terrible," Megatron rephrases my threat.

Ethan nods and helps to free me from my cuffs and helps me to stand.  He even hands me a gun, saying that I'll put it to good use.  Now, I'm freed, armed, and ready to go find my friends.

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