Chapter 22

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A/N: Hello my lovely readers!  This is the last week of school for me and I have already finished my finals, so I have a lot of time on my hands.  Therefore, I am going to post this short chapter today and I would like you to post your answers to the question below so I know what the next few chapters should be like.  I will post the next two chapters on Saturday and Sunday.  Until then, have fun reading!

Y/N's Pov

"Hey guys!" Kathy cheers as you walk up to the group.

"Hi," you smile at her while looking over at Rex and Ethan.

Rex is wearing a pair of red swim trunks with a surfboard tucked under his arm, while Ethan is wearing a full grey wetsuit.

"You look nice, Y/N," Kathy compliments your swimsuit.

"Thanks, you also look really pretty," you say, returning the compliment.

Kathy smiles before latching onto your arm and leading you to the area that Rex had claimed by laying down beach towels and putting up a few umbrellas.  You place down your own towel and put your beach bag on the towel.

"Don't forget to apply sunscreen, Y/N," you hear Thelonious warn you.

You give him a thumbs up and he nods at you before returning to his conversation with Ethan.  You then turn your head and watch as Rex and Thalassa both instantly run into the water.

"It's cold!" you hear Thalassa exclaim before she tries to get out of the ocean.

But, unfortunately for her, a huge wave hits her, covering her in freezing salt water.  You chuckle to yourself before reaching into your bag and retrieving the sunscreen.

"Want me to get your back?" Kathy asks you.

"Sure, thanks," you say as you hand Kathy the bottle.

Kathy takes the bottle and begins to rub the sunscreen into your back.  When she finishes, you offer to return the favor and Kathy allows you to apply the sunscreen onto her back.

"Do you want to go into the water to see what Rex and Thalassa are doing?  Or should we go talk with Ethan and Thelonious?" Kathy asks you.

You ponder the question before speaking, "I think...."

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