Chapter 16

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Knockout's Pov

I sigh dreamily, thinking about Y/N.  I don't understand the bubbly feeling that I feel inside my chest when I see them, but I try my best to ignore the feeling as I wrap a seaweed bandage around Starscream's arm.  I know Starscream I probably ranting about how unfair Megatron is and how he didn't deserve to be beat up, but I tune out his screechy voice.

"Uh, Knockout?" I hear Breakdown say behind me.

"Mmh?" I hum.

Breakdown taps my shoulder and points to Starscream arm.  Apparently, while I was stuck in my thoughts my hands just kept mindlessly wrapping the seaweed around Starscream's arm.  So, Starscream's arm now has a ridiculous amount of bandage on it.  I franticly unwrap most of the bandage before Starscream notices while Breakdown sighs behind me.  I roll my eyes, wondering how I could get so careless with my patient.

"There you go Screamer," I say as I cut the seaweed and tie a knot.

Starscream mumbles something before sulking back to the main cave area.  I watch him swim away before feeling a hand rest on my shoulder.

"Something on your mind?" Breakdown asks as I turn to face him.

My thoughts quickly flash to Y/N, but I dismiss them.

"Nope," I say, popping the "p".

"You sure?  You seem a bit distant," Breakdown muses.

"It's nothing, really," I reassure my Wrecker friend as I reorganize my tools.

My answer seems good enough for Breakdown because he helps me put away our supplies without asking any more questions.  As I move my tools around I begin to wonder what Y/N is doing right now.

Y/N's Pov

The next tour group consists of a bunch of high school students on a field trip.  While the teacher was ordering the students to pipe down you stand patiently next to Kathy.  Once the students are quiet and paying attention to you and Kathy, the teacher steps back to allow you to speak.

"Hi, everyone!  How is your day going?" Kathy asks in her normally peppy voice.

You hear a few murmurs, but the group didn't seem that excited.  But, you did notice a girl with black-hair and pink highlights jumping up and down with excitement.  You smile, glad that at least one person was happy to be here.

Kathy didn't seem that impressed with the groups response, but she continues with her introduction.

"My name is Kathy and this is my partner-in-training, Y/N," Kathy smiles whiles gesturing to herself and you when she mentioned both of your names.

Once again, you both get no response from the group so Kathy just immediately begins the tour.  You hang around the back of the group, making sure that nobody strays from the tour route.  You notice that the black-haired girl with pink highlights often whispers to a tall black-haired boy and a young brown-haired boy with glasses who seems too young to be in high school.  They actually caught you staring once and the girl came to stand by your side.

"I'm Miko.  You're Y/N, right?" Miko says, extending her hand out to you.

"Right, it's nice to meet you Miko," you smile while shaking Miko's hand.

"Those are my friends Jack and Raf," Miko explains, and points to each boy as she said their names.

You wave to the boys and they wave back.

Miko's Pov

Y/N seems chill, not as stiff as the other tour guides we have met in the past.

"So are you new here?" I ask, trying to learn more about Y/N.

"To the museum or to town?" Y/N asks.

"To town," I clarify as I skip besides them as Kathy continues the tour.

"Yes, I am.  I moved here with my friends, Thelonious and Thalassa.  They also work here," Y/N says.

"That cool," I respond as Kathy pauses to talk about a display.

Suddenly, my feet slip and I almost faceplant on the floor.

"Scrap!" I exclaim as I regain my balance.

My Human (Knockout x Reader x Starscream)Where stories live. Discover now