Chapter 45

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Starscream's Pov

I pace my room, hopelessly trying not to think about Y/N.

"Oh, this is impossible," I groan to myself before swimming out of my cave and to the medbay.

Once at the medbay, I'm about to enter to see if Knockout and Y/N have come to a decision yet, but Knockout's voice causes me to pause.

"I really don't know what to do," Knockout says.

"Well, how do you feel about Starscream joining your relationship?" Breakdown asks.

"Uncomfortable," is all that Knockout says.

I sigh, a feeling of dread settling in my stomach.

"How about you at least let him join, but if you don't enjoy his presence, you can talk to Y/N about it?" Breakdown suggests.

I peek around the corner and see Knockout open his mouth to protest, but Breakdown quickly clasps his hand over his friend's mouth.

"I know that you don't like that idea, but just think about how happy Y/N will be if you agree to tolerate Starscream," Breakdown reasons.

Knockout sighs as Breakdown lets go of his mouth.

"I know it'll make Y/N happy, but...." Knockout starts.

"But what?" Breakdown urges.

"But...Starscream," is all that Knockout replies with as he places a tool back in its spot.

"So? What's not to like about Starscream?" Breakdown questions.

I smile at the fact that Breakdown still thinks that I'm a respectable Decepticon.

"I don't know. But what if he hurts Y/N?" Knockout complains.

I huff, offended that he thinks I would ever do something to cause Y/N pain.

"I highly doubt he would be capable of hurting them," Breakdown says as he crosses his arms over his chest, getting tired of Knockout's stalling.

I sigh, also getting tired of this game and wondering if Breakdown's last comment was an insult or a compliment. Knockout is silent for a while, which urges me to peek around the corner for a second. Knockout is resting his head on one of the stone walls, his and Breakdown's backs facing me.

"Fine, fine. I'll agree," Knockout says after a few more seconds. "But if he hurts them, I'll drown him in his own blood."

Breakdown opens his mouth to argue with the logic of Knockout's threat, but shuts his mouth and lets his friend be.

"Alright, good to know," Breakdown says before returning to his work.

After they finish their conversation I quickly swim back to my room to avoid getting caught with a new happy feeling in my chest.

"Finally, I get a chance with Y/N," I whisper to myself, eager for tomorrow.

Y/N's Pov

The end credits scroll on the TV screen, and I yawn before glancing at the clock. It's around 11:30 PM and Thelonious and Usi look like they are about to fall asleep on the couch while Thalassa is already looking for another movie to watch.

"Alright, that's enough for me," Thelonious says as he gets up and stretches. "Goodnight everyone."

"I agree with Thelonious," you say, also getting up. "Good night."

"Night," Thalassa says before waking up the sleepy Usi. "Get up, I'm going to pull out the couch so you can sleep on it probably."

Usi nods sleepily and gets up while Thalassa starts to prepare the pull-out couch for our guest. You walk up the steps to your room as Thalassa gets some extra pillows and blankets from one of the closets before throwing them onto the couch. You enter your room and flop onto your bed, sleep already taking over. You sigh happily to yourself and smile, wondering if Knockout has made a decision yet.

Knockout's Pov

It's late in the night already, and I roam the different caves in our Decepticon hideout, trying to reassure myself that I made the right decision.

"I'm regretting it already," I mutter to myself before swimming away to my room.

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