Chapter 30

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A/N: Happy Father's Day, y'all!  If you celebrate, please give your dads some love. ❤️ Enjoy!

Y/N's Pov

With you perched on Knockout's shoulder, Knockout set off to the hidden cave. He tells you to hold your breath as he dives under the water before resurfacing at the air bubble at the top of the cave. You take a deep breath before Knockout dives back under the water and swims to a hidden room in the cave. Knockout resurfaces at the air bubble and you greedily gulp in air.

"Sorry about that. You know, it would be so much easier if you humans could breathe underwater," Knockout apologies to you.

"I know, but we can't," you say, huffing.

"I'll talk to Shockwave about making some sort of breathing apparatus," you hear Knockout mutter.

"Who?" you ask.

"Ah, Shockwave. He's a scientist and invents all kinds of things for Megatron. He's pretty scary, but I'm sure if I ask nicely he might spare some of his precious time to help me," Knockout explains.

Suddenly from outside the cave, far in the distance, you hear, "Ready or not here I come!" You tense up, but don't hear any more sounds from outside the cave you are hiding in.

"Is he coming to find us now?" Knockout questions.

"Yes. Shhh," you whisper, putting a finger to Knockout's lips to shush him without even realizing what you are doing.

"As much as I love you finger on my lips doll, I don't understand why you are placing them there," Knockout whispers.

You instantly retract your hand away from his face while blushing a bright red.

"S-Sorry," you stutter. "I-It's just a human thing."

Knockout nods and doesn't continue to ask questions, much to your relief. In the distance you can hear Megatron yelling bloody murder at Breakdown who probably managed to get away from Megatron.

"Just try and catch us!" you hear Thalassa yell.

It goes back to silence as the "battle" moves away from your hiding spot. You both sit in the awkward silence until Knockout begins to nervously tiddle his fingers.

"Is something wrong?" you ask, concerned about your friend.

"No....yes....," Knockout says, contradicting himself.

"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to. Just know that I am always here for you," you reassure him.

Knockout flashes you a genuine smile and lets out a deep breath.

"There must be a human word for this, but I don't think I have learned it yet. I just have this warm feeling in my chest when I am around you. When we kissed that day, that warmth expanded so much I thought I would explode. Then when you left I felt so cold," Knockout says, surprising you a bit.

"I think you're describing 'love'," you tell Knockout.

"Well then, I think I love you Y/N," Knockout whispers, his face getting closer to your face.

You gulp, and look deep inside Knockout's red eyes.

"I think I love you too," you murmur before your lips connect with Knockout's.

The kiss is slowly and smooth, you both getting the feel for being in love. When you part, you take a deep breath, your face flushed.

"I liked that," Knockout says to you, resting his forehead on yours.

"Me too," you whisper.

"Ah, ha! I found you two," a voice suddenly hollers.

You and Knockout both jump at the loud and unexpected noise. You turn to see Megatron surfacing at the air pocket with a smirk on his lips.

"I just need to find Soundwave now!" he says before diving back under the water and swimming off toward the island.

"That was..." Knockout begins.

"Rude," you scoff.

Knockout gives you a loving look before exiting the hiding spot with you still perched on his shoulder. As he swims back to the island he asks another question.

"So what am I now?" he asks.

"I guess you're my boyfriend now," you state.

"Hmm, I like the sound of that," Knockout smiles.

You smile back at him, unaware that someone was watching from the shadows.

My Human (Knockout x Reader x Starscream)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant