Chapter 36

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Y/N's Pov

"Let's take this out for a test drive," Thalassa cheers as she dives into the water.

You smile and follow suit.  You jump into the water and is greeted with the rocky bottom of the cave.  You take a cautious breath in and release the carbon dioxide, happy that the mask works.  You resurface and swim over to Knockout.

"Does it work?" Knockout asks nervously.

"Yes, it does.  Why are you so concerned?" you respond as you pull the mask off.

"While Shockwave is an excellent scientist, his experiments aren't always...friendly to his test subjects," Knockout hesitantly answers.

"Oh," is all you say as you take a closer look at the breathing apparatus.

The contraption is made out of metal strips that are all connected via a few nails and screws.  It looks suspicious, but it works pretty so you approve it.  You open your mouth to ask Knockout a question about Shockwave's career, but you are interrupted by a loud splash.

"Knockout!  Predaking has gone rouge, he's out for Energon!" Shockwave shouts as Predaking surfaces and pounces at Knockout.

Knockout yelps as Predaking drags him under the water.

"Knockout!" you yell, about to dive under the water to help your lover.

"Nope, stay out of this Y/N," Thalassa reasons as she hauls you back to the island.

"They know how to handle this, and you getting in the fight won't help anyone," Thelonious says as you watch the water ripple and splash.

"What's happening here?  Woah!," Starscream exclaims as he enters the cave.

"Predaking is attacking Knockout," you explain.

"No fear, I'll handle this beast," Starscream says proudly, puffing out his chest and gills.

Starscream proceeds to dive under the surface of the water and joins the battle.  Starscream manages to free Knockout from Predaking's hold.  Knockout scrambles to the island and hides behind your much smaller body.  You note he has a few scratch marks, small but deep.  You return your attention to the little battle, but some of the water splashs on your eyes.  The salt stings your sensitive human eyes, and you furiously blink your eyes to get rid of the stinging pain.  Once you can open your eyes comfortably again, the fight is already over.  Starscream has Predaking pinned to the floor while looking very proud of himself.

"Thank you for containing my rouge experiment, Starscream," Shockwave says, sounding bored.  "I'll take him from here."

Starscream nods as Shockwave begins to drag Predaking away.

"Are you okay?" you ask Knockout as you turn to face him.

"I'm fine, I'll just patch myself up," Knockout reassures you.

You look him over to make sure he is telling the truth before nodding.  You then turn to look at Starscream.  Surprisingly, Starscream doesn't have a single mark him.

"You did great, Starscream.  Thank you so much for saving Knockout," you thank the merformer as he approaches you.

Panic and disappointment quickly flashes in Starscream's eye, but you brush it off as nothing.  Starscream stops swimming up to you and just stares into the blue water as he gives you a nod.

"Yeah, you're welcome," he mutters.

You nod to yourself as you then approach Knockout to check out his wounds.

"You should go to the medbay and patch those up," Breakdown comments.

"Thanks for stating the obvious," Knockout laughs.  "Y/N do you want to come with me?"

You happily nod, curious to see where Knockout works.  You secure the mask back onto your face and climb onto Knockout's shoulder.  As Knockout dips below the water's surface you glance behind you to look at Starscream one more time.  He looks sad and disappointed as he swims away from the sandy island.

My Human (Knockout x Reader x Starscream)Where stories live. Discover now