Chapter 15

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Y/N's Pov

When we returned to the house, we were lightly scolded by Thelonious for not paying attention to the time.  Thalassa and you both apologize before putting alarms on your phones to make sure you aren't late next time.  Thelonious sighs before guiding you both to the dining room to eat dinner.  The rest of the evening was pretty casual and was spent watching a movie.  A bit later you all went to bed.

~Time Skip~

You are awoken by a blaring in your ear, and you bolt out of bed and smack your alarm clock.  You quickly dress in your uniform before heading to the bathroom.  You go through your usual morning routine before heading downstairs for breakfast.

"Morning, Y/N," Thelonious says while sipping from his coffee cup.

"Good morning," you say as Thalassa passes you a cup containing your favorite drink.

You sip on the drink as you grab some toast and pop it in the toaster.

"Aren't you guys going to eat breakfast?" you ask as you wait for the toast to pop out of the toaster.

"I already ate," Thelonious tells you as he looks at his phone.

"I'm not hungry," Thalassa says while drinking her tea.

You nod and grab your toast as it pops out of the toaster.  You put your favorite spread on the toast before taking a bite.  You munch on the toast as Thalassa offers to wash the dishes.  After you finish your toast and Thalassa finishes the dishes, you all head to the car.  You call shotgun and Thalassa instantly runs to the driver side.  She gets behind the wheel and smirks at Thelonious through the window.  He sighs before taking the back seat.  The drive to the museum is relatively peaceful, save for some very loud birds flying overhead.

Once you arrive at the museum, you are greeted by Kathy, Rex, and Ethan.  Rex leads Thalassa away while Ethan walks away with Thelonious.  Kathy happily loops her arm with yours and drags you to a waiting group of children and adults.  She gives you a reassuring smile as she introduces you both to the group.  Kathy gives the tour, allowing you to give addition information at certain displays.  After the tour, you have 30 minutes before the next tour so you decide to check on Thalassa.  Kathy agrees with the idea and takes you to the reptile area.

"Hi, Y/N," Rex waves, noticing you first.

"Oh, hi Y/N and Kathy," Thalassa smiles as she turns to face you both.

You notice a black snake resting on her arm, and the snake tilts its head curiously at you.

"Hi, there," you smile, leaning forward to get a better look at the snake.

The snake flicks its tounge out at you and you playfully stick out your tongue too.

"This Midnight," Thalassa says, lifting her arm up.  "Do you want to hold him?"

"Yes, please," you say, excited as Thalassa places the snake on your forearm.

The cool scales of the snake glides against your skin as Midnight slithers toward your face (A/N: I'm sorry if you don't like snakes.  If you read my other merformer story, you know that I really like snakes and would like to own one. 🐍).  Midnight sits on your shoulder and flicks his tongue against your cheek, giving you mini kisses.

"Isn't he cute, Kathy?" you ask as you turn to your friend.

"Sure, sure," Kathy says while slightly scooting away from you.

"Are you scared of snakes?" you ask.

"Yes," Kathy says, still trying to put distance between herself and you.

You decide to pass Midnight back to Thalassa so you can comfort your friend.

"We should probably head back and get ready for the next tour," you say before saying goodbye to Rex and Thalassa.

Kathy nods and you both walk back to the tour waiting area.

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