Chapter 4

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Y/N's Pov

"I'm going to explore the cave," you instantly state as you near the ocean.

Thalassa pouts, "Damn it."

"I heard that there is a cool coral reef over there," Thalassa points to a spot in the ocean.  "But I also want to explore the cave."

"You go to the coral reef, I'll check out the cave and see if it is even worth exploring," you offer.

"Sounds like a plan," Thalassa smiles before rushing into the water with her googles on.

"A secret cave?" Thelonious asks from his spot under a beach umbrella.

"Yes, Thalassa and I found it yesterday," you state.

"Don't -," Thelonious starts.

"Ya, I know.  'Don't die'," you interrupt him.

Thelonious nods before shooing you away.  You giggle and follow the small stream to the pond.  You wade into the water and push aside the branches and enter the cave.  You walk for a few minutes until you can't feel the ground beneath your feet, so you begin to swim.  You swim farther into the cave and soon reach a sandy island.  You drag yourself out of the cold water and lay down on the warmish sand.  You lay on your back and look at the ceiling of the cave.  In the high ceiling is a little sky hole, maybe big enough for a human to fit through.  You catch your breath before observing your surroundings.  There isn't much to see but grey rock walls, but you still think that this cave is a cool hide out.  If you or Thalassa ever need to run away from Thelonious, you could both hide here because he would never dare swim the distance.  You decide to bring Thalassa here, so you begin to swim back.  You push aside the branches at the front of the cave and walk out.  Your eyes suddenly fall upon a figure sunbathing on the hot sand near the edge of the water.  You quickly hide behind some of the bushes and watch the figure.  The thing has grey skin with some red highlights.  It doesn't have legs, but it has a shark-like fish tail.  Your first reaction is to scream, but you suppress the urge, not wanting to scare it.  It doesn't look hostile, but you don't want to risk it.  The figure's eyes are closed so you quietly exit the pond and slowly back away.

"I know you're there," the figure speaks in perfect English while opening its eyes.

Now you scream and flee the scene.  You run back to the area that you last saw Thelonious and Thalassa.  You actually trip over Thelonious' body and faceplant into the soft sand.

"Hey, you okay?" Thelonious asks as he helps you into a siting position.

Thalassa is next to him, dripping wet.  She probably just got out of the water.

" the ca-cave," you manage to stutter, still terrified.

"Demon?" Thalassa asks.

"I-I don't know, but it sure looked like one," you defend yourself.

"Cool, lets check it out," Thalassa says, about to walk toward the cave.

"Hey, hey.  No!  You aren't getting possessed," Thelonious says, stopping his sister.

"I can project myself," Thalassa smirks, whipping out her Swift Army knife from it's holder on her thigh.

"When did you bring that out?" Thelonious asks, ready to scold his sister.

"I just went to get it.  I found some plastic wrapped around the coral and I needed sometime to cut it with," Thalassa explains.

"Y/N, what did you really see?" Thelonious asks, one hand on your shoulder and the other hand holding his sister's wrist.

"I saw a mermaid thing," you say, ready to be laughed at.

"Even more reason to go find it," Thalassa cheers, pulling against Thelonious' grasp.

As a firm believer in the supernatural, Thalassa explored anything paranormal she could find.  On the other hand, Thelonious was a skeptic and always prevented his sister from getting into dangerous situations.  You are a skeptic (A/N: I'm sorry if you are a believer, but just roll with it 😅), but solid evidence of the supernatural will sway your beliefs.  Whatever you saw at the cave, definitely swayed your beliefs.

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