Chapter 63

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A/N: I'm so sorry guys for leaving you on a cliffhanger. I've been super busy with school, swim meets, missing free food, being forced to socialize, making a YouTube channel, and just life in general. Hope you can forgive me, and hope you enjoy this delayed chapter.

Y/N's Pov

We watch as the water shifts and a head pops out, scaring all of us.

"By the Allspark! Can't a merformer get privacy in his own room," Ratchet growls as he gives us accusatory glares.

"Sorry, Ratchet. We kind of just ran into the nearest cave," Bulkhead apologizes.

Ratchet harrumps, crossing his arms across his chest, "At least you didn't break anything."

"What's so special in this room, I only saw some rocks on the floor," Breakdown shrugs.

"Rocks!? You must be going blind in your remaining eye. Those "rocks" are weapons and relics we have collected over the past few years," Ratchet exclaims. "I've been keeping them in here because we ran out of storage room and I rarely use my room anyways."

"Ooh, weapons? What type of weapons?" Thalassa hums, a dangerous glint in her eyes as she grins.

"Merformer weapons, too big for you humans to handle," Ratchet says simply before diving below the water and grabbing one of the weapons.

He struggles to bring it to the surface before shoving it into Bulkhead's hands. The relic is a giant metal hammer with golden accents, and Bulkhead gives it an experimental swing as he holds it in his hands. Ratchet disappears under the water again and resurfaces with more relics. He hands Knockout a chunky bracelet, and Knockout seems to recognize it because he glares at it with hatred.

"Alright, the Forge of Solus Prime for Bulkhead. If you break it, you have to tell Ultra Magnus," Ratchet says as he gestures to the sledgehammer in Bulkhead's hands.

"I'll try my best, I know how much he likes this weapon," Bulkhead promises weakly, holding the handle gently, already afraid to wreck it.

"The Phase Shifter for Knockout. Please don't get your revenge and trap Smokescreen in the walls," Ratchet warns, sending a glare at your boyfriend.

Knockout just nods and fiddles with the relic on his wrist.  You smile as you make a mental note to ask Knockout about his past with the Phase Shifter, because it sounds interesting and would be good blackmail.

"I don't really trust you with this, but we have no choice at the moment. You can take the Resonance Blaster, but do not return it to Soundwave," Ratchet says, giving Breakdown a weird looking gun.

Breakdown nods and just takes the weapon while examining it.

"I will take the Shield Generator and protect the humans," Ratchet adds as he holds up a metal staff with pointy ends.

"Hey, doc. What about the Apex Armor?" Miko asks, a sly grin on her lips.

Ratchet just sighs, "Broken. Don't you remember you broke it when playing lob with Wheeljack and Bulkhead?"

Miko sweatdrops and recalls that epic battle, "Oh, right."

"I'll bring the Star Saber and Polarity Gauntlet with us in case we bump into Optimus or another Autobot who needs a weapon," Ratchet instructs.

"So what's the plan?" Breakdown asks.  "Just charge out and attack, or charge out and try to escape?"

Ratchet pauses before mumbling to himself as he figures out the best possible plan.

"I think we should try to find the others and all charge out of the entrance together.  That way we have more power and there will be too many of us to catch," Miko suggests.

Ratchet instantly begins to refute the idea, but pauses and considers the suggestion.

"Actually, that might work," Ratchet murmurs as he weighs the pros and cons of the plan.

"See doc, I actually have good ideas!" Miko cheers.

Bulkhead gives her a fond look while Ratchet looks distressed that Miko is actually more than just a wrecker.

"Alright, no time to waste," Thalassa states after the silence gets a bit awkward.  "We should go find the others before Ebony does."

Everyone nods as the humans gather on Ratchet's shoulder and you all depart from the cave.

My Human (Knockout x Reader x Starscream)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu