Chapter 38

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Y/N's Pov

With the oxygen mask secured over your face, Knockout dives below the water's surface. You grip onto his shoulder as he agilely swims through some rocky tunnels. He soon turns right and enters a large cave full of rocky ledges and other objects. Knockout drops you off at a table-like rock in the center of the cave before swimming to another ledge and grabbing some supplies.

"Stupid dragon-fish experiment," Knockout mutters under his breath as he begins to clean his small wounds.

"What's his name again?" you ask, watching Knockout rub some sort of substance on his wounds.

"Predaking. His species went extinct many centuries ago, but Shockwave was somehow able to use old bones and fossils to bring the Predacon species back to life," Knockout explains as he winds seaweed around his arm.

"Has he ever lashed out before?" you question as you look around the cave, wanting to get a good look at where Knockout works.

You wait a few seconds, waiting for Knockout to respond, but when he doesn't you return you gaze to him. You stifle your laughter as you watch Knockout struggle to wrap the seaweed around his arm. He has one end of the bandage in his mouth, and he is flapping his other arm, trying to tie a knot.

"Do you need some help?" you offer, giving him a smile.

Knockout pauses, before nodding his head. He spits out the seaweed end and brings his arm closer over to you. You grab the slimy seaweed and gently wind it around Knockout's arm before tying two knots at the end.

"Thank, doll," Knockout smiles down at you before grabbing more seaweed to wrap his other wounds with.

After a while, Knockout has finished healing himself and you are both about to leave when a knock at the cave entrance captures both of your attentions. You turn your head and find Starscream standing at the cave entrance, nervously fiddling with his fingers.

"Yes? Did you need some bandages for any wounds you got while battling Predaking?" Knockout asks as he places you back on his shoulder.

" I just wanted to speak to Y/N," Starscream says.

Knockout nods and you look attentively at Starscream, interested in what he wanted to tell you.

"Privately," Starscream clarifies after he realizes that Knockout was not leaving.

"Oh, okay. I'll just be right outside, Y/N," Knockout tells you before planting a light kiss on your cheek and putting you back down on the table.

You watch Knockout disappear from your view before looking at Starscream, "So what did you want to talk to me about?"

"Um...," Starscream mumbles. "Well, I wanted to ask you what you'd if you wanted to tell someone that you liked them?"

"Hmm...well.  I think I would just approach them and tell them if they don't make the first move," Y/N says.

I groan internally, really hoping that this goes as planned.

"Okay, that's good to know.  So just go up to them and say, 'Hey, I like you.  Do you like me too?'" I ask, testing the water.

"Yeah, something just like that," Y/N smiles, giving me a thumbs up.

"Okay, great," I respond before leaning forward toward Y/N.

I only stop advancing when our faces are so close together, that I can feel their breath on my face.

"Hey, I like you.  Do you like me too?" I ask.  "I really love your smile and your adorable laugh.  And I know you already have Knockout, but can I love you too?"

Y/N's face erupts in a flaming red color as they stutter, "Y-You l-like me?"

"Yes, yes I do," I calmly respond, waiting for their response.

"I'm sorry, Starscream.  But I really think I need some time to think about this and have some time to talk to Knockout about this," Y/N says, rubbing their neck.

"Oh okay, that's fine.  I'll give you some time and space," I tell them before swimming back to the cave entrance.

"Oh, are you done talking to Y/N, Screamer?" Knockout asks as he notices me swimming out.

"Yeah, sorry for bothering you guys," I say as I quickly swim down the tunnel and swim toward my room to think about what just happened.

My Human (Knockout x Reader x Starscream)Where stories live. Discover now