Chapter 11

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Y/N's Pov

You wake to the blaring sound of your alarm clock, and you groan from the loud noise.  You blink your eyes open and see sunlight filter through your window.  You yawn before preceding to get out of bed.  You stretch and change into your uniform and walk to the bathroom to make yourself presentable.

"Morning, Y/N," Thelonious says as you enter the bathroom.

"Good morning," you respond as you walk to one of the sinks.

You go through your morning routine before making your way downstairs to the kitchen.  You enter the kitchen, and find Thalassa eating a bowl of cereal.  You grab a bowl and spoon before sitting down next to her.

"Should we tell Thelonious about you-know-what?" you ask Thalassa as you pour cereal and milk into your bowl.

Thalassa pauses, "I don't know.  He might freak out, so I think it would be safe to wait until he absolutley needs to know about the merformers."

You nod and quickly change the topic when you see Thelonious walking down the stairs.

"So, are you excited?" you ask Thelonious.

"For our new job? Of course I am," he responds while sitting down at the table.

You smile at your friends while you continue to chat with each other as you eat breakfast.  Soon you are putting on your shoes and stuffing your backpack with some necessities.  Thalassa wants to drive so you quickly call shotgun, once again forcing Thelonious to sit in the back.  Thelonious groans in annoyance while reluctantly sitting in the back seat.  You look over to Thalassa and see that she is smirking, causing you to smile as well.

The drive to the Jasper Museum is short and you all soon find yourself at the entrance once again.  You see two males and one female at the entrance, looking around the parking lot.  You notice that they are all wearing the museum uniform, so they must be the workers who you will be shadowing today.

"Hi, are guys Y/N, Thalassa, and Thelonious?" a male with red hair asks.

"Yes, who are you guys?" Thalassa responds.

"We are your co-workers and will be showing you around today," the other male says.

"It's nice to meet you guys.  I'm Kathy, the one with red hair is Rex, and the one with blue hair is Ethan," the female smiles at you.

"Nice to meet you," you smile at the group.

"So, I will be working with Thalassa, Ethan will be working with Thelonious, and Kathy will be with Y/N," Rex explains.

You all nod and approach your designated partners.  You wave goodbye your friends and walk up to Kathy.

"It is so nice to meet you," Kathy repeats while holding her hand out to you.

You shake her hand while saying, "It's nice to meet you, too."

"Okay, so Y/N, today I will be showing you around the museum and teaching you the tour routes," Kathy explains while leading you into the cold musuem.

You nod and allow her to fill your mind with new information.  She even gave you a binder with all the information you need to memorize to be able to conduct a successful tour.  By the time you meet up with Thalassa and Thelonious again, your head is dizzy with all the new information and rules you need to know.  You regroup at the lunch court, where you reciece a cafeteria lunch.  You find Thalassa, Thelonious, Rex, and Ethan waiting at a table for you guys.  Thalassa and Thelonious are laughing at something that Rex said while Ethan looks mildly annoyed, but he still smiles.  You make your way over and join in on the fun.

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