Chapter 32

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Y/N's Pov

You awake in the morning, a smile on your lips.  This is the first official day of you having a boyfriend, and you can't contain your joy.  You go through your usual morning routine and make a nice breakfast downstairs.

"We have another day off.  Got any plans today?" Thalassa asks as she sips her tea.

"Yeah, I'm going to hang out with some visitors I befriended at the museum," you state, chewing your breakfast.

"Can I come?  I have no plans today," Thalassa asks.

You nod, glad to have someone accompany you.

"How about you Thelonious, do you want to come too?" you ask.

"Sorry, but I have to turn you down on that offer," Thelonious says.

"Why?" Thalassa asks, looking over at her brother on the couch.

"Ethan wanted me to join a game with him online, so sorry," Thelonious explains.

"That's okay.  Thalassa, we'll leave in 10 minutes.  Wear a swimsuit, we might swim in the ocean," you say.

Thalassa nods before rushing away to her room to get ready.  You finish your breakfast before grabbing your phone and shoving it in your pocket.  You then proceed to put your shoes on as Thalassa walks down the stairs.  Thalassa puts her shoes on and you both walk out the door.

Miko's Pov

I send a text to Y/N, telling them where to meet up with us.

"Are you sure about this?  For all we know, Y/N could be a murderer or something like that," Jack exclaims besides me.

"Oh, hush.  Stop being such a scaredy cat," I tease before looking at my phone.

Y/N's text reads, "We'll be there soon."

"We?" Y/N is probably bring one of their own friends.

I send Y/N a thumbs-up emoji before putting my phone away.  I scan the beach looking for my h/c (hair color) friend.  I suddenly spot Y/N walking with a female and I run up to both of them.

"Hi, Miko," Y/N smiles, waving at me.

"Hi.  Who are you?" I respond to Y/N before looking at the person besides Y/N.

"I'm Thalassa, you're Miko, right?" Thalassa says, holding out her hand.

"Yup, and these are my friends, Jack and Raf," I say, pointing to the boys behind me.

They wave, and Y/N and Thalassa wave back.

"So, what do you have planned for us today?" Y/N asks me.

"I just thought we could hang out on the beach, maybe grab something to eat," I say, now realizing I didn't have any exciting things to show them.

Then it hits me in the face...maybe I could let them meet the Autobots.  Ratchet is always talking about wanting to learn more about Earth history, and who will better teach him than some people who work at a museum.  Jack must have read my mind because he comes up behind me and rests his hand on my shoulder.  I look up at him and he shakes his head "no".  I pout, but still decide to test Y/N and Thalassa to see if they are worthy.

"So, do you guys like marine animals?" I ask, trying to be sly.

Behind me I notice Jack facepalm.  I smile and look expectantly at Y/N and Thalassa.

"Of fucking (pardon the language) course, if I didn't I wouldn't be living on a beach," Thalassa exclaims.

I nod, knowing that I will be great friends with Thalassa before looking over at Y/N.

"Marine animals are nice and I think they are super cute," Y/N smiles.

My grin grows wide, glad to know they won't be scared off by giant fish.  But, I'm not sure if I can trust them just yet.

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