Chapter 49

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A/N: Trauma time for our poor boy Thelonious (TW: panic attack).  I promise after this chapter their will be more merformer and Y/N action.  I'm also very sorry if you don't like me writing too much about my OC's, I just feel that you as a reader connect with them throughout the story and deserve to know their backstories.

Thelonious' Pov

"Thalassa?  Thalassa!  Wake up!" I exclaim as I lightly slap my sister's face.

I try to steady my breathing as I note how bloody my shirt that is resting on Thalassa's wound is.

"Usi!  Get over here, help me carry Thalassa inside!" I call for the smokey-haired male.

Usi quickly runs over, followed by Rex, and they both carry Thalassa into the house and rest her on the couch in the living room.  I quickly rush to Thalassa's room and grab her special mission first-aid kit before running back down the stairs.  I open the kit and remove the bloody shirt from my sister's side.  I then grab the needle and thread from the kit and my hand nervously hovers over the open wound that is now slowly spilling blood onto the sofa.  My hands violently shake the closer I bring the needle to the wound.  Eventually Usi takes notice and rests his hand on mine as he takes the needle from me and beings to patch up my sister.  I look down at my hands and see that blood is still smeared on them.  My breathing quickens as I flashback to that one mission that was so long ago.  I crumble to my knees and clutch my head as I breaths become shallow and my head is no longer in the living room of our beach house.

Usi's Pov

I hear I light thud behind me and I tilt my head slightly to see Thelonious crumbling from the stress.  I soon realize that he is having a panic attack and/or a flashback.

"Fuck, fuck.  Fucking shit," I exclaim.  "Y/N!"

Y/N comes rushing down the stairs with the water soaked towels I asked them to retrieve from the bathroom.

"Yes?" they ask as they hand me the towels.

"I need you to talk to Thelonious," I instruct as I return my attention to Thalassa.  "Just keep saying his name and trying to make him snap out of it.  If I know him, he's probably remembering Ansel."

As if on cue, Thelonious starts muttering his lost friend's name as Y/N rushes over to comfort him.

Thelonious' Pov

I blink my eyes and suddenly I'm no longer in the brightly lit living room, I'm thrown back into my memories of the last time I was in the field.  I am crouching under a fighter jet, trying to take cover from the fire raining down from the sky onto our battleship.

"Thelonious!  Where are you!  We need backup!" Thalassa's voice yells through my earpiece.

"I'm trying!" I exclaim back.  "My jet is damaged and all the other ones are in the sky already."

"Dammit!  Usi, I need your help over here!  Someone won't get off my tail," Thalassa says as Usi confirms that he is on his way.

Guilt weighs down my heart as I struggle to run across the platform to find a better cover.

"Thelonious, just calm down.  We'll be alright," a baritone voice soothes me.

"Thanks, Ansel," I respond as I finally reach the door to the battleship's bunkers.

I'm about to close and lock the door behind me to take cover with the rest of the soldiers that weren't able to get into the sky, but I stop as I watch a plane get shot down.  I suck in a sharp breath as I recognize the number painted on jet.

"Ansel!" I scream as the jet crashes into the ocean.

All the way from over here, I can see my boyfriend struggle to break the window as his plane slowly sinks.  Without thinking I dive into the water and skillfully swim to my partner.  By the time I reach him, Ansel has broken through the jet's window and is now struggling with the seatbelt.

"God dammit, unbuckle," Ansel mutters as he pulls at the seltbelt that refuses to free him.

I rest myself outside the broken window and begin to help Ansel pull at the seatbelt.  Both of us pull until our hands turn white.

"Do you have your pocket knife?" I ask as I look around for something sharp to cut the belt with.

"I dropped mine into the ocean," Ansel sheepishly answers as the water slowly rises to our shoulders.

"And I gave mine to Thalassa," I mutters as I continue to wrestle with the seatbelt.

We both struggle for a couple more minutes as the water rises to our chins.

"Thelonious?" Ansel asks.

I hum in response, too focused with the belt.

"I don't think I'm going to make it," Ansel whisper.

I whip my head up to face him, and stare into his memorizing green eyes.

"Don't you dare say that, we're both getting out of here alive," I respond, now desperately fighting the urge to lose hope and cry.

"Please, Thelonious.  I think our ship is retreating, you can't miss the chance to escape," Ansel continues, tears now streaming down his face.

As if on cue, Thalassa's voice sounds in my ears.

"Thelonious, we're retreating.  Where are you?" Thalassa asks, her voice tired and pained.

"No," I stubbornly state as the water continues to rise.

"Thelonious, where are you?" Usi asks, joining the conversation.

"Thelonious.  I need you to promise me that you won't forget me, and that you know that I don't blame you," Ansel whispers before sucking in a sharp breath.  "I love you."

The water goes over Ansel's head, and I barely have enough time to take a deep breath before I go under too.  I continue to pull on the seatbelt, the bubbles from the ocean blocking my view a bit.  I look over at Ansel and see that he has stopped struggling and just gives me a soft smile before grabbing my cheeks and giving me one last kiss.  The shock causes me to exhale all the air in my lungs, and Ansel gives me a push toward the surface of the water.  I ignore the burning feeling in my lungs and dive down to try to save my boyfriend, but before I can even touch the jet again, a force pulls me to the surface.

"Let go of me!" I exclaim as Usi swims us back to our battleship.

"I'm sorry, Thelonious, but we need to cut our losses," Usi tells me, tears also falling from his eyes.

I continue to struggle, but Usi manages to get me back onto our ship and Thalassa rushes over to us with towels in her hands.

"Thalassa!  Get your injured ass back here!" our ship medic yells in the distance, but Thalassa ignores him.

"It's okay, it's all going to be okay," Thalassa says as she hugs me, her voice sounding a bit like Y/N's.

I finally let my tears fall as I realize that I lost the best person in my life.

"It's okay, you just need to snap out of it," Thalassa says, but her voice now exactly like Y/N's.

I squeeze my eyes shut, trying to block out the war noises in the background.  But, when I open my eyes, I'm back in the well-lit living room of our beach house.

A/N: Damn that was long.  Sorry y'all, I had to republish this chapter because I accidentally deleted the 2nd half of this chapter and needed to rewrite it.  Hope you enjoyed it though. :)

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