Chapter 47

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Knockout's Pov

"Why did you tell him?!" I whisper-yell at Breakdown while Megatron has his back turned to us.

"I thought he could help you. You were moping around all morning," Breakdown responds.

"Well, I appreciate the offer, but I wished you asked someone else," I snark.

"Hey, please remember that I'm in this too and I'm aware that I made the wrong decision," Breakdown mumbles.

"Alright gentlemen, let the training begin," Megatron smiles, but it doesn't reassure me at all.

Thalassa's Pov

"Hey, I'm going to go use the restroom. I'll be right back," I tell Rex and Usi.

Rex nods and looks over to Usi who is happily sitting on the floor with a large snake wrapped around his entire body. I sigh and walk out into the hallway and right past the bathrooms. I skillfully maneuver through the hallways and into the staff area. I walk down the white hallway and sneakily hide in a janitor closet.

"Took you long enough," Thelonious grumbles as looks up from his computer.

"Geez, sorry. I had to entertain Usi," I respond, looking over Thelonious' shoulder at his computer. "Is she leaving soon?"

"Yeah, she has a lunch meeting with someone," Thelonious tells me.

"Okay, great," I nod as I wait by the door for Thelonious' cue.

We wait silently before I hear a pair of clicking high heels walk by the janitor closet and out of the staff area, the slamming door signalling that Ebony is finally gone.

"Security cameras shift in 3, 2, 1," Thelonious says before allowing me to exit the janitor closet.

Thelonious' Pov

I furiously type and click on my computer as I watch Thalassa walk to Ebony's private office. I check the security cameras, they are still showing an empty hallway even though Thalassa is walking through them right now. I smile, happy with my hacking and finally able to relax and watch Thalassa carry out the rest of the mission. I watch my sister enter the private office and snoop around the room a bit.

"There's nothing here," a voice says in my ear.

I place my finger to my earpiece to communicate with Thalassa, "Go to the bookshelf."

"You watch way too many movies," Thalassa responds as she walks to the bookshelf and pulls at random books.

I watch her jump back in shock as the bookshelf opens up after she pulls a thick red book.

"Well, I'll be damned," she whispers as she enters the secret room.

"Told you so," I smirk. "Turn on your earpiece camera, there are no security cameras in the room."

After a few seconds, Thalassa's earpiece camera turns on, allowing me to see the dimly lit room. Thalassa spins circles for a few seconds to allow me to get a vague understanding of the room's shape and decorations. The room is basically a study room, with bookshelves on three of the walls. The fourth wall contains a large map with pins in it along different coasts in different continents. Underneath the map is a glass case, and as Thalassa approaches it, I see that it contains a bunch of merformer scales and other things.

"You seeing what I'm seeing?" Thalassa asks me as she continues to roam around the room.

"Yup," I mumble as I watch Thalassa leaf through a notebook.

"Hey, check this out," Thalassa says as she stops on a page.

"Description: red scales, two grey horns on head, light grey underbelly; Name: Cliff? (female merformer yelled "Cliff" after we captured the red merformer); Notes: Cliff refused to answer any questions, see autopsy notes on next page," I read aloud as Thalassa holds the book open.

"Poor guy," Thalassa murmurs as she looks through the photos of a red merformer chained to a table, his stomach cut open and blood covering everything.

I wince as I look away from my computer screen. Thalassa puts the notebook down, careful to leave it just the way she found it. She then continues to take a few pictures of the room before scaling the bookshelf and leaving a tiny security camera hidden inside a potted plant near the top of the bookshelf.

"Just on time, it looks like she's coming back now," I tell my sister as I look at the museum security cameras in the parking lot.

"Alright," Thalassa says as she begins to exit the hidden room.

Once back in the private office, Thalassa pushes the red book back into its spot. The bookshelf door slides shut and Thalassa walks out of the office. I watch her walk down the hallway and duck into the janitor's closet with me.

"Okay, now what?" Thalassa asks as she plops down onto a wooden stool.

"This was just an evidence recon," I tell her as I upload her earpiece video onto my computer before sending it to Fowler. "The real work begins next week."

"What happens next week?" Thalassa questions.

"On her computer, Ebony scheduled for a boat trip with this sketchy fishing company," I explain. "I looked at her emails with the fishers, and she explained she was looking for a rare kind of fish."

"Are we going to crash their party?" Thalassa smiles, rubbing her hands together with anticipation.

"Of course we are," I smile back as I close my laptop.

"Fuck yeah!" Thalassa cheers. "It's been way too long since we've been in the field!"

I chuckle at my sister's childish actions as we walk out of the janitor's closet.

"Where do you two think you're going?" a delicate voice asks from behind us.

"Shit," Thalassa mumbles as we turn around.

My Human (Knockout x Reader x Starscream)Where stories live. Discover now