Chapter 52

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Y/N's Pov

The knocking at the door becomes more desperate as Usi edges closer to it, a small handgun in his hand, just in case it's one of Ebony's henchmen. Usi carefully unlocks the door before cracking it open and looking outside. A sharp talon grabs the door and flings it open, revealing a grey creature.

"Scrap, we got the wrong house," Starscream exclaims as he looks at Usi.

"No, this is the right house, Y/N is probably not home," Knockout argues from behind Starscream.

"What are you two doing here?" you question like an angry parent as you reveal yourself from behind Usi.

"Y/N!" they exclaim as they look up at you.

"How in the world did you get here?" you rephrase as you see their mermaid tails flopped next to them.

"We crawled all the way here on our hands," Knockout explains.

"The sand was really hot," Starscream complains.

"Breakdown was also coming, but we lost him about halfway through because he said it wasn't worth it," Knockout adds.

"Well, you can't just stay on our porch, we need to hide you two," you realize as you see the sunset in the distance.

After living here for a while, you knew that when the sun set, a bunch of people would take strolls on the beach and stick around to watch the sun set and the stars come out.

"Alright, you and the rest get these two inside. Thalassa and I will find Breakdown," Usi says as he grabs Thalassa from the couch and brings her along as he follows the tail tracks that Knockout and Starscream made.

You nod and help drag in the two merformers. They barely fit through the door, but somehow you managed to bring them into the living room. You also retrieved some damp towels and laid them on your boyfriend's tails to make sure they didn't dry up.

"Thanks, doll. That's much better," Knockout says as you drape a wet towel over his shoulders.

Starsream also mumbles his thanks as you also give him a wet towel as well.

"Okay, now that you're all settled," you say as you turn to face them. "What are you two doing here?"

"We wanted to see you," Starscream says.

"We also have some things to tell you," Knockout adds.

"But why drag yourselves all the way here?" you question. "Why not wait until I returned?"

"You haven't been visiting us lately for the past few days so we got worried you forgot about us," Starscream pouts.

You smile at the two sad merformers before you before sitting in between them before wrapping your arms around the both of them, bringing them into a warm hug.

"I would never leave you guys," you whisper as you kiss their cheeks.

"Thanks, doll," Knockout replies.

"Yes, thank you, Y/N," Starscream also says.

The sweet moment is ruined by the back door bursting open and the many curses of Breakdown and Thalassa as they try to fit the large merformer through the door.

"Well, I'm sorry my shoulders are too big!" Breakdown yells as Usi and Thalassa struggle to bring Breakdown into the house.

"Oh, for fuck's fake," Usi mutters as he gives Breakdown a violent push causing him to finally get through the door.

"Finally," Thalassa groans, holding her side a bit.

You all watch as the two drag Breakdown into the living room and cover him with damp towels as well.

"Great, since you're all here, we might as well tell you what's going on," Thelonious says as everyone settles down a bit.

Thelonious opens his mouth to speak, but he is interrupted by the doorbell ringing.

A/N: Just a quick warning, but I might not be able to post next weekend because I got a bunch of finals I need to study for.  Fuck school.

My Human (Knockout x Reader x Starscream)Where stories live. Discover now