Chapter 35

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A/N: I'm back!  I know that it has been a while since I have posted and I'm really sorry.  I had to go to a Space Camp in Alabama (I highly recommend this camp, and if you want me to explain what the camp is about and what my experience was like just ask) and now I'm also currently in Hawaii with my family.  But now I am back on my regular writing schedule, so I hope you enjoy today's chapter.

Knockout's Pov

I rub my side, annoyed with the soreness.

"Something wrong?" Y/N ask.

"Yeah, I lost a scale yesterday  I think it got caught in some seaweed or something like that," I respond as I point to the area where my missing scale used to be.

"Do your scales grown back like humans' hair do?" Thalassa asks from her spot on the sandy island.

"They do, but very slowly," I explain.

Thalassa nods and resumes her conversation with Breakdown.

"Knockout," a voice says behind me.

The suddenly nosie startles me, and causes me to yelp.  I turn around, to find Shockwave's red eye watching me.

"Yes?  What do you need?" I ask, composing myself.

"I made those masks you needed for the humans," Shockwave responded, holding up some metal devices.

"Thank you," I smile as I take the delicate contraptions from his hands.

"Oh, who are you?" Thalassa asks.

"I am Shockwave," the single-eyed merformer says to the female.  "Faithful scientist to Lord Megatron."

"What did you make for us?" Y/N asks Shockwave as she stands up from her seated position.

"Knockout requested that I make breathing apparatuses for you humans ao you could breath underwater," Shockwave explains.

"Oh, thank you," Y/N tells Shockwave before climbing onto my shoulder and gives me a thank you kiss.

"You're welcome, doll," I say as I kiss Y/N's cheek.

Y/N flushes a red color before sitting down on my shoulder.  I then pass out the breathing thingys (A/N: the masks look like the one from my other book, but if you have not read the story yet, it looks like the image below).

  I then pass out the breathing thingys (A/N: the masks look like the one from my other book, but if you have not read the story yet, it looks like the image below)

Hoppla! Dieses Bild entspricht nicht unseren inhaltlichen Richtlinien. Um mit dem Veröffentlichen fortfahren zu können, entferne es bitte oder lade ein anderes Bild hoch.

I pass one to Y/N and they struggle to pull the mask over their face.

"How do you out this on?" Y/N asks as they pull the mask off in frustration.

"Let me help you," I suggest as I lean forward to aid Y/N.

Y/N tenses up as I gently take the mask and carefully pull it over Y/N's head.  I pull the strap to make sure that the mask is snug against their face.

"Thank you," Y/N says as they give me a thumbs-up, their voice a bit muffled by the mask.

"Welcome, love," I respond, smiling.

Starscream's Pov

I watch Knockout fiddle something over Y/N's head from a nearby cave.  Anger and jealously causes my blood to boil again.  I sigh, not bold enough to approach Y/N yet.

"Got a problem, Screamer?" a voice says behind me.

"What do you want Predaking?" I grumble as I swim away from the cave and enter an underwater tunnel.

"Your mopping around is getting annoying," Predaking bluntly says.  "I want to help you get your girl."

I pause, surprised by Predaking's offer.

"Do you already have a plan, or is your tiny fish brain too small to formulate good ideas," I snarl, not believing that Predaking would help me.

"Yes, I have a plan.  But if you continue to insult me, I will leave you to your pitiful love life," Predaking threatens.

I weigh my options.  If I let Predaking help me, the only bad thing that could happen is that I get publicly humiliated.  But if Predaking actually has a good plan, it will probably end in success.  I've really got nothing to lose at this point.

"I except your offer," I say, holding out my hand to Predaking.

Predaking nods and shakes my hand.

"What do you want in return for helping me?" I ask, knowing that Predaking must have another motive.

"Nothing," he responds.

"Nothing?" I repeat, shocked.

"Yes, nothing.  Watching you fail will be enough," Predaking smirks before swimming away.

I shake my head in disappoiment before following the larger merformer.

My Human (Knockout x Reader x Starscream)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt