Chapter 33

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A/N: I've been procrastinating the plot development, so let's get this show on the road! :)

Ebony's Pov

I walk down the beach, a disgusted frown on my lips.  I avoid stepping in the dried up seaweed on the sand as I look at the water.  I can see a couple of dolphins off in the distance and let out an annoyed sigh.

I already stuffed dolphins.  To say the least, it was pretty boring.

I suddenly trip over a clump of soggy seaweed and fall to the ground.  I grit my teeth and growl in frustration.

"Oh, gosh.  Are you okay?" a voices asks me.

I look up and see a hand in front of my face.  I trail my eyes farther up and make eye contact with my museum's newest recruit.

"Oh, hi Y/N," I smile, taking their hand.

They lift me to my feet and I see Thalassa and a couple of high school students behind them.

"Oh, Mrs. Ebony I didn't realize you were here," Y/N says as I dust myself off.

"I just love looking at the ocean and the wild life.  I'm actually looking for a rare animal, I'm just waiting for my boat to get prepared," I smile.

"That's cool.  What kind of animal are you looking for?" Thalassa asks, a hopeful glow in her eyes.

"It's top secret," I say, smirking.

Thalassa looks dejected as I see a few men approach us.

"Ma'am, the boat is ready," on of them says.

"Well, that's my cue.  I truly enjoyed our conversation.  I hope we can meet again here some other day," I say, forcing a light smile on my lips.

The children agree and I walk off to join the men.

"Prepare the nets.  I'm not losing them again," I snarl at a man at the docks.

He saltues before barking orders at the workers nearby.

Y/N's Pov

You stand, a bit shocked that you saw the museum curator walking casually on the beach.  You never took her as one who would enjoy getting wet.

"Come on!  Let's go to the ice cream vendor," Miko cheers, dragging you and Thalassa to a truck parked on the sand.

Jack and Raf sigh as they follow behind you guys.

Miko runs up to the truck and orders a cotton candy ice cream.  You get a f/ic (favorite ice cream) and Thalassa settles for coffee flavored ice cream.  Jack and Raf order their own flavors, and you all pay for your own cold, creamy treats.

"So...," Miko drawls out, trying to fill the awkward silence.

"So...," Thalassa says, mimicking Miko's tone.

Miko smiles, "Should be go into the water after we finish the ice cream?  I can show you a good spot to find pretty sea shells."

"Sure, sounds like fun," you respond, licking the dripping ice cream off if the cone.

Thalassa nods in agreement before attempting to eat her ice cream faster.

"Shit, brain freeze," Thalassa whines as she holds her head.

Miko laughs and you join her.  Thalassa smiles and also laughs along while the boys sigh.

"Girls will be girls," Jack says, licking his ice cream slowly.

Raf just nods, not really paying much attention.  He is busy on his phone, working on a new code.  You finish your ice cream and dispose of any trash you have in a trashcan.

"Are we all done?  Great, let's get into the water," Miko cheers.

Being the responsible adult, you hold Miko back and insist that you should all rest your stomachs before swimming.  Miko reluctantly agrees, so you all take a seat in the sand and enjoy talking and people-watching.

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