Chapter 50

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Y/N's Pov

"You're okay, you're okay," you comfortably murmur to Thelonious as his tears dry and his breathing slows.

"How's Thalassa?" Thelonious says, his voice barely above a whisper as he stares at his sister's resting body.

"She's okay. Like she said, the bullet only grazed her," Usi comments as he walks by, followed by Rex, Ethan, and Kathy.

"Well, I think you owe us a pretty damn good explanation," Rex says as he sits down on the floor in front of the couch that Thalassa is resting on.

Thelonious wipes his remaining tears from off his cheeks and stands up. You stand up as well and sit next to Ethan and Kathy who sit on the other smaller couch.

"I agree, and I firstly want to apologize for dragging you into this whole mess," Thelonious states as he stands in front of the whole group.

"We accept your apology," you say. "Now, explain what happened."

Thelonious sighs before speaking, "Thalassa, Usi, and I work for a government military agency. Thalassa and I have been out of the battlefield for a while due to...complications, but we were assigned to a special case."

Thelonious pauses, realizing that Rex, Ethan, and Kathy have no idea what merformers are. You sit there in shock for a while, wondering how you did not notice all the little signs that Thalassa and Thelonious would unconsciously drop about their actual careers.

"So...was our friendship fake?" you question, your heart beating faster.

"What? No," Thelonious says, his eyes softening. "Our friendship was real."

You nod, happy at least that your life with your two best friends wasn't a lie.

"Uh...before I continue," Thelonious says. "Rex, Ethan, and Kathy, do you believe in mythical creatures? Like, just for example, mermaids?"

"Not really," Rex says sheepishly.

"Of course!" Kathy smiles cheerfully.

Ethan just shrugs as he remains silent.

"Well, what if I told you that giant mermaids existed?" Thelonious hesitantly asks.

Rex hums in consideration before crossing his arms and responding, "I trust you, but I would need some evidence."

Thelonious nods and gives you a look. You pull out your phone and show the group some of the pictures you took of the Decepticons when you used to meet up with them after work.

"Amazing," Rex murmurs. "Was this the special case you were assigned?"

"Yeah, and that brings us to our next point," Thelonious says. "Our job is to protect them and the other mermaid pod from hunters and poachers. Thalassa and I recently dug up some information about Ebony and discovered that she is illegally hunting and searching for these creatures. We called our superior and had Usi come over to help us stop Ebony."

"And we're going to kick ass along the way," Thalassa exclaims as she tries to sit up.

Nobody had noticed that she had awoken, but Thelonious rushes over and hugs his sister.

"You idiot," Thelonious scolds as he lightly slaps the back of her head.

"Sorry, sorry. She seemed like a fragile lady who wouldn't be able to fire a gun without being flung into a wall," Thalassa chuckles before wincing and clutching her side.

"Does it hurt?" Rex asks, concerned as he moves to sit next to her.

"Only a bit, it's just a flesh wound. I've had worse," Thalassa smiles.

Rex and Thelonious smile back as they move back to their original seats.

"Okay, so what's our next move?" you ask.

"Our?" Thelonious asks. "We are not dragging you four into this; we can't risk your lives.  Plus you aren't even properly trained."

"Well, why tell us all this and not expect us to try and help you guys out?" Rex questions.

"I agree, and the merformers are my friends too," you add as you give Thelonious a look.

He sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose before speaking, "Fine, we have about a week before Ebony launches her boat trip to try and find the merformers. Based on our evidence, we believe that she is closer than ever before and will probably find them. While we wait for the right moment to strike, we will train you in self defense techniques and inform the merformers of this development."

"Geez, with all your fancy words you're going to bore them to death first," Thalassa chuckles.

You smile, glad to be included in this "rescue" mission, "Great, when do we start?"

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