Chapter 14

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Y/N's Pov

You patiently explain and show how the internet works on your phone, although it was a bit difficult to gain wifi and service from inside the cave.  You are currently watching Starscream play Flappy Bird.  You chuckle in amusement when Starscream fails yet again.

"Okay, you died.  It's my turn now," Knockout whines before taking the phone away from Starscream.

Starscream groans and reluctantly forfeits the phone to Knockout.  Knockout begins to play, so you decide to comfort Starscream.

"You did great.  Flappy Bird is a hard game, but I know you will master it," you say, patting his shoulder.

Starscream sighs, "Thanks."

Behind you, you can hear Breakdown and Thalassa laughing about something she is showing him on YouTube.

"Scrap!" you hear Knockout exclaim.

"What does 'scrap' mean?" you ask.

"It doesn't really mean anything, we just say it when we are frustrated," Knockout explains.

"So, like a curse word?" you question.

"If that is the human equivalent, then yes," Knockout says as he passes the phone to Starscream.

Starscream takes the phone with a new sense of determination in his eyes as he begins his turn.  You turn to comfort Knockout.

"Good job, better luck next time," you say as you pat his shoulder.

"Thanks, doll," he flirts, instantly forgetting about his loss.

You blush a light pink and advert your gaze.  Suddenly, you hear Starscream yelp and nearly drop your phone.

"It's vibrating.  What is wrong with it?" Starscream says as he gingerly passes the phone back to you.

You look at the screen and find that Thelonious is calling you.

"My friend is trying to communicate with me.  Plesse be quiet so I can speak with him," you tell the merformers before answering the phone.

Starscream's Pov

I watch the human sitting in Knockout's palm with a new found interest.  They do not seem to be scared of us, and they even want to befriend us.  But, for some odd reason, when Y/N mentioned "him" I felt my blood boil with jealously.

Y/N's Pov

"Hi, Thelonious," you say, lifting the phone to your ear.

"Where are you?  I thought I told you guys to be back for dinner," Thelonious says, concern obvious in his voice.

You wince before checking the time, the clock on your phone reads 6:30 PM.

"Sorry, Thelonious.  We lost track of time, we'll be home soon," you quickly apologize.

"Okay, just wanted to make sure you and Thalassa are okay.  Be home soon," Thelonious tells you.

"Bye," you say before hanging up.

"Who was that?" Starscream says while glaring at the phone.

"Agreed, I also want to know," Knockout states.

"Just a worried friend who wants Thalassa and me to head home now," you casually explain.

Starscream looks a tad sad and Knockout scoffs.

"Oh, don't be sad.  I'll be back tomorrow," you smile sweetly.

This seems to raise their spirits a bit as you all say goodbye to each other.  Soon you are being brought back to the entrance of the cave by Knockout.

"See you tomorrow, doll," Knockout waves as Thalassa and you walk toward the house.

You wave goodbye and blush once again at the nickname.  Thalassa notices and nudges your arm.

"So you like him?" Thalassa asks, giving you a cheeky smiling.

"No, no, I just don't like him calling me 'doll'," you say as you try to cover your blushing cheeks with your hands.

"Right," Thalassa says, still smiling.

The rest of the walk to the house is in comfortable silence, but Thaladsa got you thinking.  Do you like Knockout?

My Human (Knockout x Reader x Starscream)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat