Chapter 65

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A/N: I know, I know, I'm late, but Happy Pride Month!  I hope all of you can openly express yourself in this world, but if you can't I can relate.  I'm genderfluid, borderline trans male (but I like to keep the female option open still), and I came out to my mom a while ago, but she said I'm still too young.  So, if you can't happily show who you are, you are always welcome into my closet (Shit, that sounded creepy.  Please don't take it the wrong way, it just meant you're welcomed to come be closeted with me.).

Usi's Pov

I wearily let Ethan guide me to the cave, my duffel bag full of weapons slung on his shoulder.  I glance at the few guards that surround the cave, and feel my heart stop when one of them steps forward, blocking our path.

"Who's he?" the guards asks, glaring me down.

I try to contain my fear, but I stand proud as I try to give him an equally intimidating stare.

"We contacted Ebony saying that Usi would be approaching the cave to help the others escape.  I thought you thugs would be able to handle it, but I decided to go after him because I doubt your abilities," Ethan says, surprising me with his blunt statement.

I look at him in shock, the Ethan I know is a small timid man who would preferred to not speak at all.  I look over the the guard and nearly laugh at his expression, his face contorted into one of disbelief before slight anger.

"A-Alright, you may pass," he states, stepping aside and making room for us.

Ethan just scoffs and continues to lead me to the cave.

"That was very brave of you back there," I whisper to him.

"I know, right?  I was so scared," Ethan shivers beside me, making me sweatdrop a bit.

We finally arrive at the mouth of the cave and enter.  I'm instantly greeted with the sight of many soldiers standing guard over the limp bodies of Megatron and Thelonious.  I repress the urge to run over to my friend, but I'm reminded of my place from the tightness of the handcuffs.

"My, my.  What do you got there, Ethan?" a voice asks, causing us to turn.

Ebony stands there in all her glory, giving me a cold glance as she looks expectedly at Ethan.

"I didn't trust your guards to get him, so I went after him myself," Ethan calmly states, but I notice the way his hands quiver slightly.

"Oh, is that so?" Ebony questions, seemly still suspicious.

Ethan just nods, not trusting his mouth.  Ebony just gives us a creepy smile before ordering Ethan to tie me up next to Thelonious and Megatron.  Ethan walks me over before shoving me down onto the wet sand.  Pretending to secure my handcuffs, I feel him press a metal object into the palm of my hand.

"Most of Ebony's men don't know how to swim.  If you can swim out far enough, they won't be able to get you," Ethan whispers into my ear.

I nod in understanding while Ethan tosses my duffel bag near Thelonious' feet.  I lean back against Megatron's warm stomach, pretending to look defeated as I carefully work the key in my hands to unlock my cuffs.  I'm startled and almost drop the key when Megatron shifts behind me.  The only reason I was so calm around him was because I thought he was unconscious.  I twist my head to see Megatron's bright eyes glaring at me.  I then, very carefully, lean closer to the intimidating merformer to hear him.

"You idiot, you got yourself caught," Megatron scowls.

"Same to you, bitch," I grumble as I continue to work on my cuffs.

Megatron seem momentarily shocked before growling, and I just roll my eyes as the cuffs unlock.  I cheer myself as I prepare my legs to make the quick run to the ominous water of the dark cave.

"You better save everyone, you punk," Megatron warns me, seeing me ready to make a run for it.

"And you better protect Thelonious," I shoot back as I stand and make a frantic run to the water.

I quickly scoop up my duffel bag before rushing into the water.  The guards didn't even know I was escaping until I made loud splashes in the water.  They instantly pursue, but like Ethan said, they didn't follow me into the water.  They just readied their guns and began to fire.  Luckily, I wasn't hit, but I guess I spoke too soon, because I feel a fiery pain in my thigh as I dive below the dark water's surface.

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