Chapter 12

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Y/N's Pov

"How is you training going so far?" Rex asks you as you sit down at the table with Kathy.

"It's going great, I'm learning so much," you smile as you begin to eat your lunch.  "How have you been doing, Thalassa and Thelonious?"

"I just love the reptiles here!  I actually met some really friendly snakes earlier today," Thalassa excitably responds while smiling.

"They do seem to really like you," Rex laughs while patting Thalassa's shoulder.

"My day has been going good too," Thelonious says.  "Ethan showed me the security cameras, and it's fun to watch people come and go."

"Cool, I'm glad you like your new jobs," you smile.

You guys continue to chatter idly before breaking apart to continue your training.

"So what's next?" you ask Kathy as you return to the front of the museum.

"I have a scheduled tour right now, and I wanted you to tag along and see how it's done," Kathy smiles at you as you suddenly notice a small group of people nearby.

"Sounds like fun," you say as you follow Kathy to the group.

"Just stay near my side and try not to get lost," Kathy tells you as she introduces you both to the group of visitors.

~Time Skip~

"Have a good day!" Kathy says to the visitors as the tour is completed.

"You did great," you tell Kathy as you both head to the lounge.

"Thanks," she smiles at you as you both enter the lounge.

Inside the lounge you find Thalassa, Thelonious, and Rex waiting for you.

"Where's Ethan?" Kathy asks.

"He went home already, said he wasn't waiting for you to return with Y/N," Rex shrugs.

"Impatient idiot," you hear Kathy mutter.  "Wasn't he your ride home, Rex?"

"Ya," Rex says sheepishly.

"I'll drive you home," Kathy tells Rex.

"You guys are done for today.  Just meet us back at the entrance tomorrow morning," Kathy smiles before waving goodbye as she drags Rex to the parking lot.

You all say goodbye before making you way over to your car.  Thenlonious jogs to the car and takes the wheel before Thalassa can.  With a pout she sits in the back as you instantly call shotgun.

"Oh, stop being such a baby," Thelonious chuckles over his sister's behavior.

In response, she sticks her tongue out at him, earning a laugh from you.  During the drive back to the beach house, you all discussed what you did during the day.  Thalassa said this snake named Midnight won't let go of her and kept giving her little kisses.  Thelonious said he was watching his sister and you through the security cameras.

"Stalker," you hear Thalassa mutter from the backseat.

You then explained all the new information you need to memorize and how big the museum really is.  When you finally arrive back at the house, Thelonious excuses himself to his room.  You look over to Thalassa and she nods.

"We're going to the beach," you yell up the stairs.

"We'll be back before dinner," Thalassa adds.

You hear a faint "okay" come from upstairs before you race back outside with Thalassa.  You both walk back to the pond area and see two figures lurking in the clear blue water.

"See, I told you I would be back when that hand hit 3 for the 2nd time," you say while looking at Knockout.

Thalassa gives you a confused look, and you quickly explain the events from the morning.

"About the watch...did you want it back?" Knockout asks while rubbing the back of his neck.

You suspiciously raise your eyebrow at him, "What did you do to my watch?"

"I did nothing to it," Knockout exclaims while putting his arms in a surrender position.

"It was Breakdown who smashed it," Knockout continues while pointing an accusing finger at Breakdown.

"The watch was ticking, and it was getting annoying.  So I smashed it," Breakdown bluntly explains.

You sigh, this is going to be a long afternoon.

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