"Do you want me to bring you there ?"

"It's alright, i'll manage. I just need you to lend me some clothes if you could ?"

She nodded and left to go back to her room. I sighed and started to wash the thing i had used to do the breakfast. It would keep my mind busy for five minutes at least.

"Oh no ! Don't bother with the dishes, i can do them Judith !"

I turned around, hands covered with soap to see Jessy coming to me.

"I used them, i can washed them, i assure you Jessy." I smiled, retracting my hands when she tried to pick the glass i had in them. "I will not hesitate to put soap on you if you continue this Miss. Hawkins !"

"Try me."

"You provoked me, i denied every responsibility." I said while trying to put my hands on her. She screamed when i touched her hair, putting bubbles in them. "See, told you."

"Judith !"

"I'm innocent." The last glass was dried, returning in the cupboard above us. "There, all clean."

"Yes, yes. Now go in the bathroom. I put the clothes there. Nothing fancy don't worry."

"Thanks Jessy." I patted her head, spreading the soap while laughing a little.

She screamed again while i got upstairs. I never really thought about it but i could see Jessy as a sort of little sister, i guess. She was younger than me by a year, which wasn't much but still.

Inside the bathroom, were a shower, a toilet and the sink. Plus some decoration and stuff, nothing too fancy. The clothes were hanging on a hanger. A baby blue sweater and a pair of jeans.

Before going in the shower, i took my phone that i had in my pocket so i could text Alan. I would have to charge it when i get my charger from my bike.

Hello, i'll be coming at the police station in about forty minutes. See you.

Putting my phone on the sink, i put up my hair. "Good, now shower."

I placed the water on the warm side, not even waiting for it to warm up. I wouldn't stay under the water longer than five minutes. I needed to see Alan and bring this case to an end.

Once i was fully clothed and good to go, i waved at Jessy who was on the couch, telling her i would be going. She gave me a spare key from her apartment, in case she wasn't home when i came back. I thanked her and left the apartment.

It was still raining outside. Not much but enough to tell that it was raining. I wouldn't be drench when i got to the station at least, which is a plus.

Ten minutes later, i was once again in front of the building.

"Well, here i go to my fate."

Not that they can do anything to me. I will just avoid talking about Jake. They don't need to know about that.
Entering, i could see the same guy as before at the front desk. Does he never sleep ?

I walked to him. "Hello. I need to talk to Alan Bloomgate."

"Do you have a meeting ? Mister Bloomgate is busy." He said, typing something on his computer.

"Well, i'm busy too. And he should be expecting me. You can ask him."

He hummed, looking me up and down before typing again on the computer. I was seconds away from shouting. He was getting on my nerves.

"Listen, if you want problems, it's not mine. But i would suggest that you go find Alan Bloomgate right this instant befo-"

"Miss Tolis."

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