Chapter 414 - Rock Giant Stargazers

Start from the beginning

Nie Yan snuck up to one of the Rock Giants and activated Transcendent Insight.

Rock Giant Hunters: Level 100
Health: 110,000/110,000

Nie Yan looked up the information page for Rock Giant Hunters on the official website.

Though relatively weak for Level 100 monsters, Rock Giant Hunters couldn't be underestimated. They possessed smart combat AI, strong defensive and offensive skills, and their attacks could stun. They could be best described as caster killers. Their stun in combination with their quick speed allowed them to jump on players in no time. Only those with at least 500 movement speed would have any hope of keeping up with them.

Nie Yan didn't wish to tangle with these Rock Giant Hunters. But Empress Finas' Venom Sac was too important to him. Since he was already so close to his goal, it would be a shame to turn back now.

As Bennett's Soul flew off into the distance, Nie Yan cautiously proceeded forward. He made sure to maintain a distance of no less than 30 meters between him and any of the Rock Giant Hunters. The level discrepancy was too high. Any closer and he would likely be noticed.

Nie Yan eventually arrived at the entrance to a ravine and spotted seven Rock Giant Hunters blocking the path forward.

Bennett's Soul flew over to Nie Yan and bounced up and down in front of his face. It seemed to be telling him that Empress Finas' Venom Sac was in this ravine.

Nie Yan touched the rock walls to the side and noticed they were covered in a slippery substance. He couldn't make use of the Crawler Ring. He had to think of another way.

After observing the movements of the Rock Giant Hunters, Nie Yan activated Pygmy Transformation and started making his way forward while sticking close to the wall. Before long, he was near enough to make out the full appearance of the Rock Giants. Their sinister faces and immense size, especially now that he was a third of his normal size, made them quite frightening.

Nie Yan didn't know what the safe distance between him and the Rock Giant Hunters was while in pygmy form. He gradually neared the 30-meter mark, his body hidden in the shadows cast by the rock walls.

As the the Rock Giant Hunters patrolled around, the one closest to Nie Yan starting walking in his direction.

25 meters, 20 meters, 15 meters... Nie Yan started growing anxious.

In the end, he wasn't willing to take the risk and retreated back to his previous hiding spot.

Pondering over the matter, Nie Yan opened up the window for Divine Recruitment. He looked down the list and summoned Keo, the Rank 6 Paladin that boasted 200% of his stats.

It seemed like Nie Yan couldn't avoid sacrificing Keo this time around. In any case, he could just pay a fee to revive him later.

"Sir Devil Slayer, how may I assist you?" Keo asked respectfully.

Nie Yan took manual control of Keo and made him approach the seven Rock Giant Hunters.

The Rock Giant Hunters started hollering and making threatening gestures. Although Nie Yan couldn't understand them since they were speaking in the Rock Giant language, the meaning was clear-back off!

Nie Yan directed Keo to use Purification on one of the Rock Giant Hunters.

After the attack struck one of them, all the Rock Giant Hunters charged toward Keo.

Under Nie Yan's control, Keo turned tail and fled with Indomitable Will, disappearing into the darkness.

As Keo lured the Rock Giant Hunters further and further away, Nie Yan seized the opportunity to pass through the long and narrow passage and enter the ravine.

Several minutes later, Nie Yan received a notification that Keo was killed.

Nie Yan followed Bennett's Soul through the ravine, eventually arriving in an open space covering 500 by 500 meters. The vegetation here was cleared away, and the ground was smoothed out with gravel.

A large stone platform about three meters tall with an area of 10,000 square meters sat in the middle of the open space. There were flights of stairs on all four sides, leading up to the top, where three Rock Giants in robes could be seen roaming around. They were noticeably bigger than the ones outside.

You have discovered the Cavell Sacrificial Star Platform.

Nie Yan cautiously approached the altar and inspected one of the robed Rock Giants with Transcendent Insight.

Rock Giant Stargazer (Leader): Level 100
Health: 100,000/100,000

Although there were no other Rock Giants in this area, these three Rock Giant Stargazers were more than enough to stop Nie Yan dead in his tracks.

There appeared to be something at the center of the platform. Nie Yan moved to a different side. Peering through the gap between two Rock Giant Stargazers, he saw a peculiar object floating three meters in the air. It was around the size of a fist and let out a resplendent green glow.

Since he was too far away, Nie Yan couldn't tell exactly what it was.

At this moment, Bennett's Soul flew to his side and informed him the object was Empress Finas' Venom Sac.

Nie Yan opened up the relevant information page on the official website for Rock Giant Stargazers.

Rock Giant Stargazers: Even deep in the Underworld, these Rock Giants can still sense changes in the stars. They are servants of darkness that possesses formidable magic power.

Rock Giant Stargazers had a large variety of skills at their disposal. The most notable were Wolf Golem which summoned a giant wolf made out of stone, Lunar Sacrifice which dealt continuous damage to all living creatures within a 50-meter radius, and Howl of Terror which knocked out all targets within a 30-meter radius. Besides this, their physical attacks were even stronger than the Rock Giant Hunters.

These Rock Giant Stargazers were quite frightening. Nie Yan cautiously approached within 30 meters of one of them, whereupon it seemed to notice something and looked in his direction. The gaze hidden behind its hood seemed like it could pierce through the darkness.

Nie Yan held his breath, not daring to move an inch.

After a while, the Rock Giant Stargazer turned away. Only then did Nie Yan dare to slowly step back. Even with the increased stealthing capabilities from Pygmy Transformation, the safe distance was only 30 meters. He estimated that range would increase to at least 50 meters if he returned to his original size.

The Level 100 Rock Giant Stargazers prevented Nie Yan from taking even half a step forward. Empress Finas' Venom Sac was so close, yet so far away.

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