Theresa is agitated, she wanted nothing but to vouch in for her close friend and beat the hell out of Nawal and the jerk of a crown prince who enjoys hurting people. Now, she is in full support of Marwa running away, the problem doesn't lie with her. It was all his fault!

Chef Abraham could only watch in silence, he knows everything about how his daughter is suffering but he is powerless in this situation and it's hurting him. He would've called her mother but his phone isn't with him at the moment.

Nawal dragged Marwa to where her fiance and Jamal were standing. Zafeer observed her figure up close, she looked leaner, the red eyes and dark circles were visible and of course the shaking hands and trembling lips. He knew it! Something has been telling him that Marwa will resume drug consumption and just by seeing the symptoms in her, his instincts proved him right. He instantly felt guilty, thinking of other damages that he caused her.

"Hubby, here is the waitress I've been telling you about. Extend your greetings to my fiance Marwa, don't forget to bow for him to acknowledge you." She broke the awkward silence with a light laugh.

"Y-your..." She repeatedly opened her mouth and closed it. Greet her greatest enemy and even bow to him for acknowledgement, that's off the radar.

"Let's go inside." He broke the awkward silence and with a heavy heart, extended his hand to Nawal who happily slipped hers in and they walked away with Jamal in their front.

Marwa followed everyone inside, the guards surveyed the whole place for tight security. She excused herself to the bathroom and brought out the fancy invitation card then read it, her heart was twisting in pain with every word. Luckily, she felt a pack of powder in the left pocket of her trouser. She pulled it out and downed the contents in one go without hesitation.

Everything felt right, the pain abated, leaving her with nothing but a numb heart and emotionless eyes. She won't be responsible for her next actions, her senses have completely detached from her body. Releasing a huge breath, she went back to the restaurant where she found the couple sitting opposite each other at the table for two. Nawal kept gazing at the place in amazement, intentionally letting her gown reveal some cleavage to showcase her busty chest.

Different kinds of foods were served by the waiters ranging from Quinoa salad, Pasta alla norma, Neapolitan pizza, Caprese chicken, Tuscan seafood stew and many others that she chose not to focus on.

"Marwa, we've been waiting for you to come back and attend to us. I chose you because you're the best." Nawal waved her hands and the said girl took confident strides toward them, that way, she will enjoy doing what they are pushing her to. If they think she can control herself, then they're wrong.

"The champagne should go first, serve us." The snob commanded.

She stopped stealing glances at the man who refused to remove his shades which made her suspicious. The place is dark and his shades are dark, which doesn't make any sense to her. Marwa turned to Nawal and nodded with a straight face then popped the bottle of the expensive champagne open.

Zafeer watched her every move with an amused smirk, if she or anyone sees his eyes now, then all hell will break loose. She gently poured Nawal's into the glass cup and then turned around to do the same to Zafeer. That was the moment he decided to taunt her.

"Sunshine what's with your favourite waitress and looking at people's fiance?" He directed the question at Nawal but deep down, they both knew who the question was meant for.

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