116. Grief Always Lifts (Volturi x Reader)

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They noticed that you slept, a lot. Sure they were told between 8-12 hours is enough but they let you sleep a little longer in case of jet lag or time differences. That was until it became apparent that these were no longer an issue. It couldn't have been healthy.
It was no surprise to anyone when Demetri and the twins opened your door to find you asleep. They already knew that of course, as did the rest of the castle. You were tucked into the covers, your face buried into your pillow, only the top of your back being visible to them. It would have been amusing or even adorable at the time, if it wasn't very concerning.

Demetri crouched at your bedside.
"(Y/N), it's time to wake up." Demetri said softly.
You shifted before shaking your head.
"Come on, darling. You'll sleep the day away."
"Let me." Was the quiet grumble you responded with.
This was confirmation that you weren't in high spirits today. Demetri rubbed at your arm that was under the covers.
"We can't let you do that, darling. We'll be more than satisfied if you get out of bed and get changed. It'll make a lot of difference."
"No, it won't." There was a whimper in your voice that time. Your grip on the covers tightening, your knuckles going white. "It doesn't bring him back. It doesn't make the day any easier because he's gone." Demetri moved closer. "I dreamt about him." You said, a sob breaking through.
Demetri rubbed your back as you sobbed. Anyone with a sliver of empathy would have found it difficult to watch.
Demetri had no doubt that he seemed like a villain to you right now. Asking almost the impossible but it was better for you. Not to mention, the leaders had already decided that this couldn't continue.
"I know you're suffering right now sweetheart." Demetri rubbed back again soothingly. Demetri looked to the twins, nodding to them.
A silent message to relay what had happened here to the leaders, to confirm the distress they could likely hear.
"One step at a time. This is all you have to do today. In fact," Demetri paused, looking around the room. "why not get changed into those softer clothes you have. The ones you say are more comfier like your night clothes. Can you do that?"
It took a lot of coaxing but you caved, doing exactly that.

A couple of more days passed and you seemed to just cry your way through them. Aro was the first to approach the matter.
"I know that this all feels like an ending but you may find that-"
Your gaze shot up to Aro's like a deer in headlights, feeling tears build up once more. "Aro, I don't think I'm ready to hear this right now." You managed out in a whisper. The only way the words would leave your mouth.
"I thought I'd have my sister with me forever." Aro told you with a sad smile. "We were many years apart but she was my sister. We may not have grown up together but we were going to make up for that...with forever. One day that changed. I lost her. I won't lie to you, I will always remember that pain, and I'll still feel it every now and then but with time, it isn't so raw. It doesn't consume you as it does when it's fresh."
You dropped your gaze from his once more, swallowing hard against the lump in your throat. "This feels like a pain that will never go away."
"It lifts every day, my love." Aro responded. "Loss creates wounds and sometimes they scar but that's alright." Aro nodded.

A tear ran down your cheek as you bit back a sob. Aro's words were actually comforting. It validated your feelings, telling you that you could feel that way whilst not undermining or dismissing it as something to be ignored as it would go away. Furthermore, it was a meeting point to help you understand that the pain you felt wasn't going to drown you, no matter how deep the pain went. It would get easier and you wouldn't forget.

A day passed and it was possibly the most draining day you had yet. You felt tears constantly. Sometimes they fell yet it was for no reason, they'd leave as quickly as they arrived without explanation. Therefore you couldn't give any explanation to the Volturi.
You were somewhat reluctant to see Marcus when he asked for you but you also knew you weren't in any position to refuse.

You found the door was open as you entered.
The room only illuminated by the fire to the right of the room and surrounded by two couches that looked old and exceptionally expensive- a dark brown wooden frame with padding covered with a rich red fabric.
You quietly sighed to yourself the moment your eyes landed on Marcus. His back was turned to you, a very old, large book holding his attention. Or so you thought.
"I know your pain, child." He said as you moved towards the fireplace, your arms crossed over chest.
"I'm sorry for your loss." You grumbled.
Marcus turned to look at you before moving towards you. He gestured for you to sit in the seat behind you. As you did, he sat down opposite you.
"I'm more concerned about yours." He responded. "We find ways to cope with loss. You have lost your way whilst trying to find yours."
"I'm fine if that's what you're asking." You said.
"I'm not asking. I know how you are feeling, (Y/N). I know not what you are thinking." Marcus replied.
"You could always ask Aro. He's seen inside my head-."
"Aro's sight is nothing to me in this case." Marcus interrupted. "It's meaningless. Hearing it from you gives it meaning."
"You want me to talk about it." You said flatly.
Marcus said nothing but looked at you expectantly which had confirmed your suspicions. You looked away, contemplating if you should. You came to the conclusion that it wouldn't hurt.

Loca, Spider Monkeyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें