82. Playing with Fire (Demetri x Reader) 3

Start from the beginning

"Will you come with me? To Volterra? I can protect you there." You desperately wanted to go, there wasn't really anything holding you back. Well, the pack had grown close to you but you also knew how they felt about imprints. Up until recently, you'd been alone pretty much your whole life. Going with Demetri, living in a palace, it all seemed too good to be true.

You didn't get a chance to answer. Jacob burst through the door. God we really needed to take this outside.

"You!" he growled at Bella

"Jake, calm down. Let me explain."

"Unless you're here to tell me Ness is back. I don't want to hear it. You let them take her."

"Shes not your object, shes my baby! I wanted to make sure she would be okay until I figured out how to be with her. I didn't want any unnecessary deaths. You should understand that!"

"Shes mine! She was born to be mine. Shes my IMPRINT!"

"Jacob relax. And Get out of my house." You warned

"Of course you'd side with her! Stay out of this for once. Dracula over there is lucky I haven't torn him to shreds yet!"

"Bella. I'll deal with Jacob. You two go to Italy."

"No." Demetri said, "Bella, go and tell Aro what you've told me. I hope he believes you but that's the only way to see renesme. Shes fine. I'm not leaving you."

"You're not going anywhere Bella."

Bella turned to look at you, you nodded at her and she ran through the side of your house. Well, now you definitely had a reason to leave. Jacob began running after her, but you jumped and tackled him on his side. You needed to give Bella as big of a headstart as you could. Hopefully, the pack would be here soon. You could stall, but beating Jacob was another issue.

The two of you faced off, "Hey." You turned to talk to Demetri. "Don't interfere, okay?"

His lips formed a tight line but he nodded. You turned to look back at Jacob who was now furious. He began phasing and you did the same. Jacob lunged first but you were faster. You knew you wouldn't last long, the adrenaline would wear off soon and fatigue would take its place. The two of you were snarling at eachother, when you finally collided you felt Jacob sink his teeth into your neck. You heard a whine escape your mouth as he threw you to the ground. You got back up, you were going to have to outrun him. You saw Demetri take a few steps forward but you shook your head at him. The thought of him even coming near Jacob began making your heart race. You didn't have to worry for long, both of your heads snapped at the howl coming from a distance. Sam. God you were really running up a tab on how much you owed him. The rest of the wolves began flocking to your sides. Jacob couldn't beat everyone. He bared his teeth at you one more time before running off.

'You good?' Paul asked

'Yeah. I need a nap though'

'Duh,' Quil joked, you laughed at this and went behind your house to get your backup set of clothes. The wolves agreed to let you actually get to know Demetri. When they said they would try and keep Jacob away you were able to relax for a bit. You weren't expecting to get scolded the second you stepped back into your now very broken house. Demetri's eyes were pitch black as he began yelling at you.

"Do not EVER do that to me again. I was seconds from snapping that dogs neck." If you were worried about him while you were fighting, you couldn't imagine what it was like on the other side of things.

"I'm sorry, you're right. I shouldn't have been so reckless. But can you please yell at me tomorrow, after I sleep. I'm exhausted."

His gaze softened, "I'm sorry, I just worry. I don't want to lose you. Can we go somewhere where he won't bother you?"

"I guess we probably should. I don't think this place is safe for you."

"We could go to my home." He offered again

"Demetri, you have no idea how much I want to go. But, I'm not technically an immortal. I don't even know if you can change me, or if the venom will kill me. I'd be walking in quite possibly the most dangerous place for me. The others wont like my smell—"

"No one would dare touch you. We can figure out the rest. I promise" The worst part is that you believed every word. You knew it was dangerous and you didn't care. You just wanted to follow him.

"Okay, youre driving though."

"Of course." He was suddenly next to the passenger door and held it open.

"Wow, such a gentleman." You teased

"I have my moments." He winked at you. As the two of you drove off you saw concern etch his face.

"Is everything okay?"

"Yes, I was just thinking about what you were saying earlier. Have you really been getting into fights with that guy."

Attentive, you thought, "Hes tried a few times. I've gotten really lucky that the rest of the pack has had y back recently."

"You realize if I ever see him again and hes not on the reservation I wont hesitate to end him."

"No, Demetri please. He's not worth it and I don't want you getting killed."

"Oh darling, I'd love to see him try."

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