46. Emmett Cullen - Two of A Kind

Start from the beginning

Arms wrapped themselves around her top half pulling her in close Sam chuckled lowly his chin rested on forehead for a few seconds before he pulled back and planted a kiss on her forehead, "I've missed you," Sam mumbled. "Missed you too big guy," replies (y/n).

"Good cause if you didn't I wouldn't have let you stayed with me and Em," Sam joked causing a smile to grace (y/n) lips, she had only met Emily once and that was on FaceTime she also learned that Sam called her Em for short, "Oh shut up," giggled (y/n), "You would've let me seen her anyways, you have no choice."

"I can always leave you here stranded," Sam said trying to fake a serious face and firm tone, (y/n) gave him a grin that was filled with mischief, "Nope because if you did you know mom would've killed you. I'm sure she would love to hear all about how her nephew left his baby cousin stranded lost and alone, afraid. Probably on her way getting kidnapped."

Sam eyes widen and he shivered, the thought of his aunts rage filled his mind causing goosebumps to rise upon his skin, she was like one of his pack members Paul when she was angry just much scarier and meaner, "Don't you dare!," Sam whisper shouted.

(Y/n) smiled almost instantly upon seeing his fear, "Well then come on then big guy, let's get to the house before it start pouring harder. What we gonna stand here and joke all day?," she said raising a brow with a side smirk at Sam.

"Stupid," mumbled Sam as he leaned down picking up one of the luggage's.

"Mutt," (y/n) mumbled back with a knowing smirk on her face, his hearing was advanced so he most likely heard her and by the growl he gave off after she knew he definitely heard her.


The drive to La Push wasn't all that long, about a few minutes of driving the two cous has arrived down a path on a lone road. It was barely any traffic, Sam's truck was the vehicle on the lonesome road, "So tell me big guy, what's this pack of yours like?," she asked.

(Y/n) has only known one pack her life and that was her current one, since she was barely old enough to understand her past situation she didn't remember her old life that included her pack, her family.

Her adopted mother, Trina was the alpha of the pack in New York, the place she's currently living, her father Kinny was her mother's first beta and they fell in love which lead to the birth of their first born daughter Sophie she was a beta, then she had got another beta who was Sophie's guardian at the time Mike he was a teenager at the time of his turning he was left in the woods to die when Trina and Kinny found him. Then came their second oldest born child it was a boy and they named him Derek in honor of (y/n)'s real father, Derek just so happened to be born a alpha and lastly was their third child who were twin baby girls, Trina named one of her daughters Lydia in honor of (y/n)'s birth mother and the second girl was named Kelly.

"So how's the home school going?," Sam asked breaking the silence, he turned the radio down a bit, "Well it's good so far, I mean I always see the kids in town laughing in groups and stuff and I'm just the loner," (y/n) said.

Sam glanced towards his younger cousin and took in her appearance, her (e/c) eyes were looking down at her folded hands in her lap and she was playing with one of the many rings on her fingers, she wore a black coral dress that hand different colored flowers covering it a simple black leather jacket that was to big her size swam on her arms, the sleeves of it traveled down a bit over her hands and on the back of the leather jacket was designed with a single medium red rose in the center.

Black combat ankle boots covered her feet it was buckled with golden buckles and a pair of dark blue thigh high socks covered her legs keeping them warm from the chilling air.

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