Lord of Light

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'I serve the lord of light and the lord of light needs that girl.' Beric told them.

'Hungry little one?' Thoros asked as she sat down. She nodded, now that he hands weren't bursting with light she was freezing again. He handed her some bread.

'So whats your name sweetie?' Beric questioned but Marnie remained quiet. 'Or I suppose I could keep calling you sweetie, if you prefer?'

'Marnie.' She said softly.

'I'm an old man sweetie your gonna need to speak up.' Beric told her.


'Well Marnie, its nice to meet you... don't worry we will keep you safe, get you where you need to go.' Beric told her.

'I'm running away. I'm not going anywhere.' She told them.

'even better!' beric declared. 'you can stay with us.'

'are you sure? I wouldn't want to impose...' marnie wasn't sure she liked that idea but they had invited her to sit with them, given her food and let her get warm... her horse had run off and they seemed to think whatever had just happened with her hands was a miracle and that she wasn't this monster she thought she was when she threw the man across from her and into the tree. She did it without even trying, she just wanted to man to get away from her, she was scared so scared... it just happened.

'of course of course. A girl with your talents, it was the Lords plan for us to find you.' Beric said smiling over at her.

'what is the lord of light... why do you think he needs me?' marnie questioned.

'The Lord of Light has been described as a "fire god" and its clergy, that's us sweetie and you too if you want we are the fire priests,' beric told her.

'Why is he the lord of light?' marnie questioned as beric stood getting closer to her.

'His worship centers around fire and light.' He informed her. he gently touched her hands. 'the light that came from your hands, that was the lords power running through you Marnie.'

'ive never heard of him.' Marnie admitted.

'No you wouldn't,' thoros came to sit on the other side of her once he saw that beric wasn't getting blasted across the forest. 'He is also known as the Red God, the Heart of Fire, and the God of Flame and Shadow.' Thoros added but marnie shook her head still.

'sorry, no.'

'The faith of the Lord of Light is more known in the Free Cities,' beric told her.

'Like Bravos?' marnie questioned she had heard of Bravos and had been intrigued by the place ever since.

'Exactly like Bravos, and Myr, Lys and Volantis,' beric told her.

'Lord of light is also know as far as Asshai in the distant east.' Thoros added. 'Worship of the Lord of Light is almost unheard of in Westeros though.' 

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