She's a witch!

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Marnie didnt ask for permission when they finally stopped for the night the path to dark to see. They light a small fire, marnie summoning it from her own hands and marnie lay down next to bran curling into him. Nuzzling her face into his chest he wrapped an arm around her holding her close.

They lay on the forest floor marnie curled into brans side and he wrapped an arm around her. She fell asleep fast. She didnt remember the last time she slept for more than an hour before one of the men from the camp would come in and harass her or rape her. Forcing themselves inside her. She didnt remember the last time she felt so free. So content.

Bran ran a hand up and down her back as she slept then her hand moved to her hair brushing to back from her face.

'You like her? Shes a lannister'. Meena hissed

'Shes my friend.' Bran told her

'When was the last time you saw her huh?'

'Winterfell.' Bran admitted.

'Its been years since youve seen her. Shes not the same and you can trust her!' Meera hissed at him.

'She just saved us in case you forgot!' Bran reminded her

'Not all of us.' Meera reminded him.

'she was trying to save jojen too.' Bran reminded her.

'but she didn't.'

'its not her fault hes dead.' Bran told her

'she took his clothes! She took his clothes off his dead body!' meera shouted at him.

'he was dead and as Marnie said she would have froze to death out here in that torn dress.' Bran reminded her.

'I don't trust her!' meera spat

'She was trying to keep you from being raped!' Bran told her '-and youre acting as though she was the one that tied you up. Marnie is a good person.' Bran informed her. he didn't care if he hadn't seen her in years, he knew she was good.

'She has magic! Shes a witch and witches cant be trusted.' Meera told him.

'Jojen and i have this gift, this magical sight. It could be considered magic. Am i not to be trusted as well?' Bran questioned.

Witch // Bran StarkWhere stories live. Discover now