You're a wolf

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'Rickon stay with us!'

'It's all right the wolves will protect him' Bran said nodding to summer and she took off after Rickon they walked and bran was wheelbarrowed down the path.

'You can get inside his head?' Jojen said 'see through his eyes?' looking to summer.

'Only when I'm asleep' bran admitted

'That's how it begins first before you learn how to control it' jojen assured him. 'You're a wolf'

'It's not just wolves sometimes in my dreams I see ravens' Bran told him

'Three eyed Raven' Jojen told him.

'You've seen it?'

'We saw it together remember?' jojen asked, 'the raven is something different something deeper the raven brings the sight.'

'Seeing things that haven't happened yet?' Bran asked

'Or seeing things that have happened a very long time ago or things that are happening right now miles from here.' Jojen told him.

'When my father died I dreamt it.' Bran told him.

'You didn't dream that you saw it' Jojen corrected.

'You have the sight to?' Bran questioned

'When I told my father about your father, that was the first time in my life I saw him cry.' Jojen admitted.

'Your father is Holland reed?'


'He saved my father's life in the rebellion.' Bran told him.

'your father told you about the rebellion. Mine never did but I saw that too.' Jojen said.

'What else have you seen?' Bran questioned

'The only thing that matters, you.' Jojen told him.


"Money buys a man's silence for a time. A bolt in the heart buys it forever,' marnie told them as they walked.

'who says that?' thoros questioned.

'a man I once knew,' Petyr. 'he was a bit of a shit but he liked me.'

'I'm sure he did.' Kevin said laughing.

'not like that...' dear Gods she hoped not. 'men kill men with steel but your lord of light uses fire.'

"The Lord of Light wants his enemies burned.' Beric told her.

Marnie looked down into the water seeing her reflection in it. She ran her fingers through her hair and flattened it down before pulling it up into a bun on her head.

'..even a mirror will not show you yourself, if you do not wish to see." Beric informed her

'you say a lot of stuff, big talker you lot are.' Marnie teased. Sandor used to tell her she talked a lot but since she joined this group, although she felt comfortable she knew she had to change, to become a new marnie if she was going to survive.

'whats your last name? where you from?' beric hadn't asked her this at first, he was waiting for her to open up to them more but she remained quiet apart from her little fiery outbursts when frightened she slept, ate and traveled quietly with them.

'Marnie Snow.' She lied.

'that's why we found you up in the snow.' Beric said not entirely believing her.

'yep.' She avoided his glaze.

'you can tell me little light, I'm gonna protect you. You don't have to hide.' Beric told her.

'I'm not lying.' She insisted.

'alright... come on little light. Its story time.' 

Witch // Bran StarkWhere stories live. Discover now