Father dearest

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Sandor and Marnie were sitting on the wall when arya approached he offered her a drink she took it sitting down next to him. Silence filled the air.

'You never used to shut up and now you just sit there like a mute?' Sandor asked. Marnie looked between the two. She didn't know that they even knew each other.

'I guess I've changed' she said 'What are you doing up here?'

'What's it look like?' sandor questioned.

'No I mean what are you doing up here? you join the brotherhood, you fought at the wall with Jon and now you're here, why? When was the last time you thought for anyone but yourself?' arya snapped.

'I fought for you didn't I?' He reminded her taking back his ale and taking a sip, 'oh for fucks sake.' There went sandors peace and quiet.

'My lady, little light,' he looked from arya to Marnie 'it is good to see you again' beric said 'I'm sorry for the way we parted' beric told arya. 'The Lord of light has brought us together all the same this is his moment when light-'

'Thoros is not here anymore' Sandor reminded him, 'so I hope you're not about to give a sermon because if you are the Lord of light is going to wonder why he brought you back 19 times just for me to knock you over this wall.' Sandor added.

'Sandor!' Marnie exclaimed slapping his arm. Sandor just chuckled.

'Where are you going?' Sandor asked arya as she got up and walked away.

'I'm not spending my final hours with you three shits' she told him.

'shes pleasant,' Marnie said sarcastically as Arya ran off. 'But I'm off to.' Marnie said standing up. 'Beric.' She hugged him.

'Night little light.'

'Father dearest.' Marnie said and sandor rested his chin on the top of her head. 'I love you sandor. Don't die. Okay?' marnie questioned looking up to him.

'My little petal, all grown up and worried about me?' sandor questioned.

'I always worry about you. You have a temper, I think that's were I get mine from.' She informed him.

'Haha, probably.' He told her, kissing her cheek. 'Goodnight petal, I love you.'

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