Was it Cersei?

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'The Lord of light will reunite me with my friends if that is his plan.' Marnie told the old man.

'The Lord of light did not give you those powers little one,' the old man said

'Of course he did, how else would I've gotten them?' marnie countered.

'You were born with them. Your mother was a very powerful witch. She was a Cromwell.' The man told her.

'Cromwell?' Marnie questioned.

'One of the most powerful witches, one of the most powerful magical families in all existence.' The man told her.

'I don't understand how do you know this?'

'I saw it. I saw it all. I saw your birth. I saw your mother's death. I see the great power and potential you hold. You are Cromwell.' He told her.

'I've never heard of Cromwell witches before.' Marnie told him.

'No one has. They were thought to be extinct, just as the dragons were. Everyone thought the Cromwell line died out many years ago...' he smiled down at her. 'but here you are, a Cromwell as beautiful and as powerful as any of them.' He assured her.

'I'm a Lannister' she corrected.

'Your mother was a cromwell that makes you a Cromwell. Your Lannister name may be the powerful name, the name everyone here in Westeros knows and fears but your mothers maiden name is the real source of power in this world. Have you learned to control it?' the man asked her.

She lifted her hands light blazing through them.

'I have learned to control it' she confirmed.

'And your mother has been giving you spells to do more?' the man questioned.

'My mother is dead.' She reminded him.

'In your dreams. She teaches you, does she not?' the man questioned.

'In my dreams...' Marnie told him, 'but how did you know that?' the man eyes flickered to Bran before settling on Marnie again. 'Do you know what happened to my mother?' Marnie questioned the old man.

'Yes' he told her simply.

'Was is cersei? Did you see it? What happened to her?' marnie begged.

'Cersei sent a soldier out to assassinate her. He posed as a merchant selling bread. He was meant to kill you too but your mother killed him just as he killed her.' the man informed her.

'It was no accident...' marnie said softly.

'No. It was planned. Cersei wanted her brother... your father back. But I think you already knew that.' he told her.

'Bitch. Im gonna kill her.' The man just stared down at her. 'Have you seen the future too? Do i kill her?'

'Lets take a look into the past first. Shall we Brandon?'

Witch // Bran StarkWhere stories live. Discover now