Robb Stark

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'I dont want to marry robb stark!' Marnie exclaimed

'Baby please-' Jaime tried to calm his daughter but it was to no avail.

'Father no! Im just a kid. I should be having fun not marrying i havent even bleed!' marnie told him trying to get out of this any means necessary.

'Dont you like the north?' Jaime questioned, he saw her outside in the snow playing with the starks everyday.

'Of course i do but i dont want to live here! I would miss you!' Marnie exclaimed, a half lie. She would live here. She liked the snow but she loved Bran, she would stay for him, not Robb though!

'Its not my choice baby. Robert and cersei have already decided.' Jaime told her.

'but you are my father!' she cried out, tyrion heard yelling and came to investigate.

'whats going on in here?' tyrion questioned.

'Uncle Tyrion!' marnie cried running to him. 'Don't let them do this to me!' she clung to him.

'Do what? Whats happening?' he questioned holding tight to his favorite niece.

'father wants to marry me off to Robb stark!' marnie proclaimed.

'Jaime come on that boy, well hes not a boy is he? He is a man and Marnie, my precious little Marnie is just a child.' Tyrion told him. He wasn't about to lose the one good thing at the capital.

'Cersei-' Jaime began.

'No I won't marry Robb stark!' Marnie screamed and thunder echoed through the sky as lightning rippled across. Clouds forming above them. Sandor noticed the strange change in weather and ran to find marnie.

'Marnie? Love...' tyrion said and she lifted her head from his shoulder. 'I need to talk to your father alone for a moment.' Tyrion led her outside into the hall. 'just a moment.' She nodded as he closed the door. He walked over to Jaime and punched him in the cock.

'Petal what happened?' She was crying in the hall her knees curled up to her chest on the floor. Rain poured down around them.

'King robert and bitch cersei are demanding i marry robb stark!' Marnie declared. And the rain turned to hail. Little pellets pounding down.

'Thats not the little one you like...' sandor said softly sitting down next to a teary marnie.

'I wont marry him. I wont!' Marnie declared

'Im sorry petal.'

'Sandor you have to do something! Please. You can fix this!' Marnie pleaded

'How can i fix it petal. Im just a hound.' Sandor reminded her.

'No. No youre not. Youre my family not jaime.' Marnie declared. 'And you wont let your only daughter be married off to an old man would you?'

'Hes not that old but i see your point petal...' sandor thought it through. There was nothing he could do.

'You will help get me out of this marriage?' She questioned her big eyes pleading up to him her lip pouting out.

'Oh petal i wish i could. If there was anything i could do i would do it love. I would but im not family. I have no claim over who the kingslayer decides to marry you off to.' Sandor told her

'No. Youve always been a father to me, not him. Why should he get a say now when he hasnt cared about me since my mother died!' Marnie declared.

'Ill talk to your uncle. He might just listen.' Sandor told her. marnie nodded calming down and the hail stopped and the sky cleared. She moved back into the room to see Tyrion yelling at Jaime. She ran past then and stood on the balcony. The birds chirping was a welcome distraction to her current thoughts. 

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