I love you

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'I do not blame them for hating me.' Marnie told Bran when he found her.

'They do not hate you' Bran informed her.

'Yes they do. They hate me because of what my family did. They will always hate me. They will never trust me. I should go. I do not belong here.' Marnie told him but she didn't know if she belonged anywhere. Everyone all over the world would hate her, as long as she was a Lannister she was going to be hated.

'I don't want you to go. I want you to stay.' Bran assured her.

'But your family-'

'Don't go.' Bran pleaded. 'Don't go.' She finally looked away from the fire to see him looking up at her. She sat knelt down next to him and hugged him tight

'You would tell me if you don't want me here right?' She asked

'I will never not want you here,' Bran informed her.

'I just... I don't want to cause a rift between you and your family.' Marnie said softly.

'Don't worry about them' Bran told her.

'I know what complicated families is like. You shouldn't screw up your family, your bond with them, over someone like me.' Marnie told them.

'Someone like you?'

'I'm tired. I think I would like to sleep for the night,' she told him

'Of course. Will you stay with me?'

'I would like that,' she told him helping him from the chair to the bed.

They lay in silence for hours in each other's arms so much to say but not able to see any of it. A hand running up and down her arm into her hair playing with her long blonde hair. Pretty blonde locks weaving through his fingers. She kept her eyes close pretending to sleep but she was hyper aware of his every movement. She thought being back here would be happy, would be different, would transport them back in time to when everything was good. But that was naïve thinking because nothing was good everything was bad, everyone was still at war and the white walkers were upon them getting closer and closer and with the mark on Bran's arm the night King would always know where he was.

'Marnie?' He whispered

'Yeah Bran?'

'I love you.' he told her and she wrapped her arms tighter around him.

'I love you too.' she told him looking up to him he kissed her softly before they both fell asleep.

Witch // Bran StarkWhere stories live. Discover now