Buy you time

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When marnie woke the next morning she looked up to Bran to see him already looking down at her

'Hi.' She said softly. 'Youre back. What did you see?' she questioned as they sat under a canopy of trees for the night after running long and far to escape the white walkers.

'Hey Marnie.' He kept an arm around her. 'About what i said... back at winterfell-' she shook her head

'Ancient history' she told him

'I didnt mean it.' He told her.

'Its okay you dont have to-'

'I didnt mean it marnie. I loved you. I was just mad, not at you though. I was mad at me. For climbing for seeing what i saw for not being able to heal-' Bran told her shaking his head.

'What do you mean seeing what you saw?' Marnie questioned sitting up

'I didnt mean any of it. Marnie i loved you. I think i... Marnie i still love you.'

'Oh Bran-'

'Get up get up get up!' Meera yelled as they picked up bran

'Whats happening?' Marnie asked getting to her feet.

'White walkers' meera hissed. Crystal blue eyes staring back at them.

'Run!' Bran told them and they took off.

'do you think you can-' Marnie began

'We have no time. The walkers are upon us.' Meera hissed.

'do you think you can pull him by yourself so I can buy you some time?' marnie hissed and meera nodded. Marnie dropped her side of the wagon and turned around.

'MARNIE NO!" Bran yelled.

"I will buy you time!" she shouted. Her hands rising up as she flayed the walkers to a crisp.

'Marnie!" Bran called. 'We cant leave her!" he told meera.

"We cant stay. Marnie did that to protect you. Don't let her die in vain.' Meera hissed pulling him along as fast as she could.

It seemed like hours and there was no sign of marnie. Bran was heart broken all over again. 

Witch // Bran StarkWhere stories live. Discover now