First Kiss

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It had been a week at winterfell and Marnie was head over heels in love with Brandon Stark. She didn't really know what love was, not for a person that wasn't her family or sandor but she knew what she felt in her heart was true and exquisitely magical. A flutter in her heart and butterflies in her stomach whenever she thought about him.

They were hide and seek with Rickon, Arya, Marcella and Tommen when Marnie and Bran picked the same spot. Arya was it. They stood so close that Marnie couldn't help herself. She needed to kiss this boy.

'Close your eyes' she instructed and Bran closed his eyes

'Now what?' he questioned.

She pressed a quick kissed his lips and turned and ran away. When he opened his eyes he had a big smile on his face and he saw her blonde hair bouncing as she ran. He chased after Marnie Lannister.

And that was the beginning of the end.

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