Witches Burn

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When marnie was little she would make things happen.

When she wanted food or to be changed and no one was paying attention to her she would start to fuss and then plates and vases would shake and fall to the ground. At the sound of that handmaidens would come running but a crying little girl didnt get their attention. They would clean the mess tend to marnie and all would be right.

When she got older and could talk she would say i wish i wish and focus really hard on what she wanted and sometimes she got it.

'Go to your room'. Cersei demanded. 'And you stay there until told otherwise.'

'Cersei she just wants her father,' tyrion told her

'Jaime is busy and shes old enough to take care of herself' cersei snapped

'Shes five'. Tyrion reminded her. Tyrion walked marnie back to her room closing them inside. 'Im sorry my little princess.' Tyrion told her.

'Why doesnt daddy love me?'

'He does. He does marnie,' tyrion told her but it was easy to see why she thought he didnt. 'I love you.' Tyrion added

'More than daddy?'

'Yes, more than daddy. More than anyone.' Tyrion informed her.

'I wish aunt cersei were dead' marnie spat.

'Marnie,' tyrion warned but he couldn't hide the smile from his face, wouldn't that be nice.

'She hates me. I wish i could go back to my mother. I wish cersei was dead and not my mother.' Marnie told him flopping down on her bed. 'I wish, i wish, i wish,' she murmured and then a loud crack and a scream ripped through the castle. Cersei had fallen down the stairs. Jaime tended to his sister constantly while she recovered. Marnie shouldve wished for something else.

She tried after that to wish for things. To wish her father loved her. To wish her mother was alive. To wish cersei died this time around but no matter how many times she wished it, nothing happened again. Maybe she didnt do anything. Maybe it was just luck and good timing. But marnie felt a light in her and she didnt see it but her eyes shifted from amber to gold just for a brief moment before cersei fell.

Marnie was 8 when she caused an earthquake through the capital. Cersei was dragging her away from the feast. She had been dancing with her father. He was spending time with her for the first time in months but cersei sent him away then dragged marnie outside into a perfectly clear night. Not a cloud in the sky and every star could be seen but Marnie couldnt enjoy the view because the moment they were away from company cersei started yelling and belittling her.

'You foolish stupid girl' cersei spat thrusting her outside.

'I didnt do anything!' Marnie declared trying to pull free of cerseis bruising grip.

'Like hell you didnt. You make a fool of yourself and this family. I wont allow that.' cersei told her pulling her farther away from the capital building and deeper into the gardens.

'I didnt do anything!' Marnie screamed at her ripping her arm away

'You are a disgrace to this family.' Cersei spat

'I. Didnt. Do. ANYTHING!' Marnie screamed and the capital shook. The floor beneath them cracked. Tyrion and sandor came running out to find Marnie. To see her delicate face red with anger her lips pursed her eyes glaring, her fists balled tight at her sides.

'Marnie!' Tyrion called moving as quick as he could over to them. 'Marnie honey, are you alright?' She didnt say anything. She stared straight at cersei. The childs glare should have made cersei laugh but she was frightened of the girl. 'Marnie sweetie?' Tyrion reached a hand out to touch her arm but she stomped away. Tyrion moved to follow her but cersei told him to let her go.

'What did you say to her? Why did you drag her from the party?' Tyrion questioned up to his sister.

'She was causing a scene. She is a disgrace to this family. Just like you.' Cersei spat marching back inside. Sandor walked swiftly after marnie.

'Petal what happened?' He asked kneeling down in front of her. She put her small hands on his large shoulders. 'Petal?'

'I just got so mad.' She confessed. 'Did i... did i do this?'

'No petal no.' Sandor assured her. 'Just an earthquake'

'We've never gotten earthquakes here before though,' marnie reasoned

'Dont worry petal it was just an earthquake.' Sandor repeated.

'Cersei is going to blame me either way. She will call me a witch and have me burned alive!' Marnie declared.

'I wont let em touch you.' Sandor told her and she hugged him. Sandor knew that when marnie was upset, really upset weird shit happened but this an earthquake it couldnt have been her. Could it?

'What was you and the bitch talking about?' Sandor questioned

'She said i was a disgrace that i was a foolish and stupid girl. That i was making a fool of mysef and my family. But sandor i didnt do anything. I was just dancing with father!' She told him

'I know petal i saw you.' Sandor told her.

'Was i doing the steps wrong?' She questioned

'No petal you looked perfect. The perfect little lady,' sandor informed her.

'Then why would she say that to me!? Why drag me out here and yell at me? I didnt do anything wrong!' She cried into him and it started to rain down on them. Clouds covered the sky and lightning struck a statue in the garden splitting it in two before shattering to the ground and tiny pieces.

'Marnie?' Sandor questioned hesitantly.' Come on petal. Lets get you inside and dried off.'

The storm raged on for hours he stayed with her that night and she cried into him. He hated seeing his little petal so upset. But there wasn't anything he could do about it. Her aunt was the queen and she had made it her mission in life to make Marnie's life miserable. No matter how much he loved Marnie he was sworn by duty to protect the prince to follow the Lannister's orders and aside from stealing her away there was nothing he could do to stop Cerseis vengeance against her. But the things he saw Marnie do, the things that happened when she was really upset was getting harder and harder to ignore. There were some thing truly magical about Marnie and she was right, witches burned.

Witch // Bran StarkWhere stories live. Discover now