They hurt me too

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'On your own?' arya asked riding up to sandor.

'I got Marnie,' sandor replied and Marnie leaned forward smiling softly at her Arya before leaning back into sandor on the horse. He kept his arms protectively around her.

'You're a big hero now' arya mumbled.

'Everyone was very heroic.' Marnie informed her.

'But you killed the night king, you lite the trench. With out the night king dead we would have all died.' Arya noted.

'I suppose but I didn't do it alone.' Marnie told her softly.

'You did though. With your magic.' Arya told her.

'I just did what anyone would do.' Marnie informed her.

'I may have been to harsh on you.' Arya admitted.

'its understandable. The Lannisters certainly did cause you and your sister a lot of pain-' Marnie began softly.

'But you are not your family.' Arya added and Marnie smiled over at her.

'They hurt me too you know.' Marnie told her. 'Cersei had my mother killed, she had an assassin send to kill my mother and me but my mother killed the man just as she died... I want her dead. I am going to kill her.' marnie informed arya and Arya nodded. Marnie had a better reason for wanting Cersei dead.

'Are you heading to Kings Landing?' arya asked sandor.

'I got some unfinished business' Sandor told her 'I don't plan on coming back'

'I wont let you die.' Marnie told him.

'You see little shit, that's the right thing to say, not leaving someone to fucking die!' he told Arya. 'Thank you Petal.'


'I dont want you to go.' Bran told her as she readied her horse

'I have to kill cersei'. Marnie told him. 'She killed my mother. She deserves to die a slow and painful death. I want to... i need to be the one to do it.'

'Just be careful. I cant lose you.' Bran told her

'You wont.' Marnie promised.

'Im going to miss you.' He said pulling her down into his lap

'So keep an eye on me while im gone.' She winked kissing him. 'I love you Brandon stark.'

'I love you Marnie Cromwell.'

Witch // Bran StarkWhere stories live. Discover now