My home

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It was strange to find comfort and protection in the arms of a person that couldnt walk but thats what marnie felt when she laid with Bran. Safety.

The nights watch were going to send them back to winterfell but in the meantime. They stayed warm under covers and by the fire telling each other everything that had happened. All the pain, the journey that led them back to each other.

'I saw you. Golden eyes. Fire,' he held her hands in his intertwining their fingers. 'Fire coming from these hands. Thats why they cut your hands? Tanner?'

'When they first grabbed me i freaked out burned then burned the restraints... they didnt really understand what was happening at first then they heard me mumbling spells.' Bran ran a finger gently along her neck. Scars in all direction snaked down her neck but they were fading. 'Each time they did it i thought would be my last. Thought they would slice a vein bleed me out but death never came.'

'Im sorry. If you hadnt left. If i hadnt pushed you away-'

'Stop. Dont blame yourself.' Marnie flipped over resting her chin on his chest. 'I think if i stayed i would have never found this power in me. I never would have gotten the chance to evolve. Just like you.'

'I wish you didnt have to be alone for it though.' Bran told her running his hands through her blonde hair.

'I wasnt alone. Not at first.' She told him.

'The fire worshipers' bran reminded himself.

'They were nice to me. Thought i was a gift from their god at first.' Marnie informed him with a laugh.

'At first?'

'When i summoned a storm they didnt know what to think. The lord of light wants to burn his enemies while i had summoned rain.' Marnie told him.

'How did you know how to do that?'

'At first i didnt. At first things just happened when I was really mad.' She tilted her head resting her cheek on his chest while he ran his finger through her hair and up and down her back. 'Then the dreams started.'

'Like the three eyed raven telling you to stay?' bran remembered.

'I think... shes my mother. The woman i see. The one that teaches me. I know that's what he said but I don't remember her. I don't remember her face her laugh, anything. But I think it might be her. it doesn't make sense since she is dead but... She tells me what to do and say and then when i wake up i test it out. Sometimes it works sometimes it doesnt.'

'Does it happen every night?'

'Most nights.' Marnie informed him. 'Was that like how you first started, with your visions? Dreams?'

'Yes. I dreamed of a raven. After the fall thats all i dreamt. Then when the sight kicked in i was able to go into animals like summer and ravens and i found you.' Bran told her.

'You found me?' Marnie questioned looking up at him

'While i was a raven. I was flying and i saw you. You were practicing with your magic, fire shot from your hands and you fried the raven.' Bran told her with a laugh.

'Did i hurt you?' Marnie questioned nervously

'No no i woke up, i was fine. But after that i searched for you. I wanted to find you and keep you safe but it seems the fates brought us back together after all these years.'

'After all these years' marnie agreed. She tipped her chin up bringing her lips to his. 'I love you.'

'I love you.'

'We ride for winterfell tomorrow,' marnie reminded him

'I know' he said glumly.

'Do you not want to go home?'

'Would you want to go home? Back to the capital?' Bran asked softly. Would she want to leave? Find her family? Her father?

'The capital is not my home Bran. You are.'

Witch // Bran StarkWhere stories live. Discover now