Plans for you Marnie

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"I only do what my Lord commands me!"

"what if he commands you to do something evil? Something that is not right? Would you do it?"

'the Lord of light has a plan, it is not my job to understand it, just to do as he says.' Beric told her.

'but there has to be right and wrong, punishment and reward for good and evil, not just killing because a magical man in the fire tells you so.' Marnie told them.

The sound of approaching footsteps and hooves could be heard from their snowy campsite. Marnie shot up, peaking around beric. Could this be the starks looking for her? could this be her father or her uncle or sandor? Could they have heard she escaped and come looking for her? but it was not lannister red she saw, it was black as night, their faces only becoming illuminated once they got closer to the fire.

'Hello,' the men said circling around their group.

'got any food? Any gold? Ahh you got a pretty little thing... I want her.' one man said pointing his sword at marnie, but beric put an arm around her keeping her to his back.

'cant have her. cant have out gold or our food or our little one here.' Beric told them.

'its cute you think I was asking...'

"The night is dark and full of terrors." Beric murmured and thoros started to speak but marnie didn't understand him.

"Āeksios Ōño, aōhos ōñoso īlōn jehikās! Āeksios Ōño, īlōn mīsās! Kesrio syt bantis zōbrie issa se ossȳngnoti lēdys!'

'Beric what is he saying?' Marnie asked, hearing the words but not understanding. They were similar to her dreams though.

'Lord of Light, cast your light upon us! Lord of Light, defend us! For the night is dark and full of terrors!" Beric told her.

'It sounds familiar.'

'Does it?'

'enough with the witchcraft!'' the man yelled charging forward but he was set on fire. Marnie screamed her hands setting a light as well.

'aim and shoot!' beric declared stepping out of her way. She pointed her hands at the rest of the men blasting them away. they ran once up, screaming witch! Witch! As they left.

'good job kid.' Thoros told her.

'I don't know how I did it.' She admitted. 'I was just scared.'

'you will have to tap into that power, train, see if we can draw it out with more than just fear.' Beric told her. 'the lord of light has plans for you Marnie.'

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