...and feed it to the dogs

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Bran was bored. He had jumped off the wall and his mother made him get ready for the royal family to arrive. But he didn't want to spend time with them, they were going to be snobby and prissy. But Bran stood proper next to his brother Rickon as they waited, horses and carriages getting closer.

Bran was surprised to see a girl that looked his age slide off a horse, perhaps that was the princess, she was certainly as pretty as a princess Bran thought as she looked down the row of starks, her eyes stopped on Bran a big smile on her pink lips.

'You've gotten fat.' Robert declared... Marnie ran up behind her uncle, Sandor tried to stop her but she was quick. She tugged on his cloak when he got to the younger of the starks.

'show me your muscles.' Robert demanded with a laugh and Bran did, holding his arms up his eyes wandered to Marnie. 'ahh looks like my niece wants to say hello.' Robert pulled her around to the front of him. 'Marnie, meet the starks.' He said and Marnie gave Bran a little curtsey.

'Pleasure to meet you.' She said. Bran blushed as Robb and Theon made kissy faces at him. Love at first sight.

'take me to the crypts, I want to pay my respects.' Robert declared ignoring cerseis protests. 'Don't give the stark boys too much trouble.' Robert told her with a wink before leaving with Ned. Marcella, Tommen and Joffrey followed their mother, tired after riding all morning in the carriage while Marnie who had rode horseback with sandor all morning was ready to stretch her legs.

"So, Lady Marnie.' Robb said bowing before her.

'Just Marnie is fine.' She assured them. 'what do you lot like to do for fun?' she questioned, bending down and picking up some snow in her hands.

'you ever seen snow before?' Jon asked her.

'No, not until heading here that it. We saw some on the journey but the closer we got to your beautiful home the more snow there was... goodness its cold.' She rubbed her hands together.

'That means you've never had a snowball fight?' bran grinning looking over to Rickon. Rickon quickly balled up some snow and threw it at Marnie. Robb froze, as Marnies face changed... her eyes wide her mouth gaped open, she dropped down and made a ball of snow throwing back at him laughing. Robb, Jon and Theon let out a sigh of relief that could have gone much worse.

Marnie couldn't feel her fingers or toes or ass for that matter. Her cheeks were numb from the cold but also how much she had been smiling.

'you all have so much fun here! Way more fun than the capital!' she told them as they were served hot chocolate and warm biscuits while sitting by the fire. Marnie lay her legs over Bran's and he moved his leg trapping her legs in between his. Robb noticed and couldn't help but smile. his little brothers first crush.

'What are you doing in here?' Joffrey sneered down at them all laying around the fire.

'Joff you missed the fun, we played in the snow. A snowball fight!' marnie declared a big smile on her cold cheeks.

'Trivial games for children,' Joffrey told her.

'That's the hound,' Theon whispered, sandor stood at the edge of the room, he followed Joffrey everywhere. He had to. he would much rather protect marnie but unfortunately the fates didn't line up for them.

'Sandor!' marnie exclaimed hugging him tight as Joffrey was distracted, criticizing the starks.

'Petals your freezing!' he declared hugging her tight.

'We had a snowball fight.' She told him.

'you beat them boys?' sandor questioned.

'I don't think there is actually a winner, everyone was cold in the end.' Marnie told him.

'You like it here? Don't ya?' sandor questioned

'I do.' She told him looking back to Bran.

'You like the little lord too? Huh?' sandor asked and she snapped her head back around to him, blushing.

'Sandor-' Marnie said biting at her lip.

'He ever hurts you-'


'I will chop his cock off and feed it to the dogs.' Sandor warned.

'Stop! I just met him.' Marnie said blushing red but at least she could feel her face again.

'but ya like him.' Sandor told her giving her shoulder a squeeze. She nodded. Joffrey came marching back towards them.

'Hound.' He demanded as he left.

'Bye petal.' He whispered following the little cunt out.

'Hes a bit scary.' Theon was saying when marnie sat back down next to Bran.

'Who? Joffrey? Hes all talk.' Marnie told them.

'No the hound.' Robb corrected.

'His name is Sandor and hes my friend.' Marnie told them. 'I would appreciate it if you don't talk about him like that.'

'I'm sorry Marnie.' Robb said immediately.

'Yeah, sorry Marnie.' Theon added. She nodded looking back into the fire, Bran wrapped an arm around her and she leaned into him her blush coming back full force. 

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