Chapter 70| Nickname

Start from the beginning

'Saying the man who picked up the painting I tossed on the ground.' Huang Dewei softly said as Wang Lei's eyes flew open and then his gaze fell on the painting.

'Who cares? I suffocate you here anyway.' Wang Lei replied and now Huang Dewei understood why he was saying that he never had met him. He was not saying because Wang Lei wanted this but because of Huang Dewei words. Wang Lei felt like he was suffocating Huang Dewei here in the palace after hearing his words. The words Huang Dewei also regretting saying to him. Huang Dewei sighed then moved and got hold of his face in his hand as Wang Lei freezes in his place.

'All I came to say was that thank you for coming to me even though you are scared of rain and I apologised for being a jerk over your worries. I said too much which I did not even mean in my anger.' Huang Dewei said sincerely and truthfully. He genuinely looked sorry about his words. They both stared at each other then Huang Dewei bend down and kissed him on his forehead. Wang Lei felt his heart drop because nobody ever did this kind of soft affectionate gesture for him. It was intimate. Huang Dewei closed his eyes as he softly kissed him on his forehead and then slowly moved away.

Then without another word, he turned over and walked out. Wang Lei stood still as he felt a tingling sensation on his forehead. The feeling was his lips over his forehead filled inside with warmth...the warmth he kept wanting to feel, but he was gone. The thought came to Wang Lei's head and without realising his feet moved and run out of his room unknowingly with bare feet. He run as he tried to catch up with him who was walking out of his resident's door. Wang Lei rapidly run as he followed him out of his residence and called out to him.

'Weiwei...' Wang Lei's voice stopped Huang Dewei as he turned over and looked towards him when it started raining again. 

'Don't leave.' Wang Lei begged as he looked desperate and Huang Dewei looked at his condition. His clothes were all wet while he was not wearing any shoe. The desperation in his eyes and voice made Huang Dewei felt special in a way he never felt before. Wang Lei slowly realised that it was raining and he quickly closed his eyes. The trauma was coming back to him but he opened his eyes and stood still while waiting for him. If he walked away right now he will lose the only person he can't live without. Huang Dewei understood it was getting hard for him to stand as he did not even waste a second anymore, he walked toward him and pulled him in his arms.

'Don't need to ask again. I got you.' Huang Dewei whispered as he hugged him and Wang Lei hugged him back tightly like his life depend on him. He suddenly felt safe in his arms when he felt Huang Dewei move and picked him up in bridal style. Wang Lei bewildered as he looked at him who had start walking back towards his residence.

'Put me don't have to do that. I can walk by myself. It will be embarrassing if someone saw me like this.' Wang Lei screamed panicked as he looked around while Huang Dewei completely ignored him. They entered back inside his residence and walked toward his room. They entered back inside Wang Lei's room as Huang Dewei walked and slowly put him down on the bed. 

'Have you lost your mind? Why would you pick me up? That is embarrassing and...' Wang Lei was saying without a break when Huang Dewei moved and put his lips on his. He kissed him as Wang Lei was taken back. Huang Dewei moved away and looked at him.

'You talk too much Wang Lei.' Huang Dewei said and Wang Lei just stares at him but said nothing. Huang Dewei smiled as he laid down then moved and put his head on Wang Lei's lap.

'What are you doing?' Wang Lei asked as he looked at surprise while Huang Dewei relaxed just closed his eyes. 

'I am trying to rest.' Huang Dewei responded and Wang Lei stares at him then he moved and slowly started going through his hand through Huang Dewei's hair softly. Huang Dewei smile while they could hear the rain pouring from outside. The sound of rain was making the whole environment more peaceful. 

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