41: Welcome to the classroom of fish supremacy (1)

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41: Welcome to the classroom of fish supremacy (1)

    Party B, Yunhe, who is still very satisfied with this weapon, is going to take it to school.

    Considering that he couldn't make the teacher think he was some kind of bastard, he used the school money prepared by the system to buy a white canvas satchel, put the bricks into the satchel, and sat on the way to the Tokyo School of Magic High School. 's car.

    The environment outside the window is getting more and more desolate. I used to use any door to deliver express delivery, but I didn’t realize how remote Gao Zhi was, and I just thought that Yunhe was green: “Master driver, don’t you want to abduct me to the mountains? The

    driver sent by the assistant supervisor: "...No, the high school is in the suburbs."

    "How long does it take to get to the city center?"

    "If the traffic is good, it's a two or three hour drive."

    The student who joined temporarily shook his head. : "What's the difference between abducting and selling it to Dashan?"

    No wonder the overtime workman, Li Nizi, occasionally ordered takeout with him. He co-authored that he didn't cook and had no snacks and could only starve to death.

    Driver: "..."

    He couldn't catch this, no wonder he was told to try not to talk to this person.

    Truly a thorn.

    In the high school, Wutiaowu and Xia Youjie had already had a lot of trouble over the question of "who is stronger". Since they were both on their first day of school, it was very bad to kill people, so there was no direct spell to greet each other.

    When they suddenly heard that another student was coming, they didn't stop their movements, feeling that even if the King and Lao Tzu came, they would slap each other's face.

    Ye Mo Zhengdao, who was not allowed to temporarily lead the class because the first-year head teacher was on a business trip, patted the table and said, "Stop, listen to me, this person is very dangerous, you should pay attention to your own safety." The

    two stopped and looked at him .

    Gojo Satoru: "Does it mean that he is better than us?"

    "The rating is the same as the two of you, but there is a little problem with his personality... It was recommended by Lord Tianyuan, so he can't refuse."

    The two sat back in their chairs honestly, looked at the teacher, and hoped that the other party would talk about it in detail.

    "He was the only survivor of the Yokohama Concession explosion, but everything was normal, and he claimed that he didn't remember what happened before the explosion."

    "Isn't this normal? What kind of post-traumatic stress disorder?" Xia Youjie thought This is looking at people with tinted glasses, and I heard a word from the other side.

    "Afterwards, all the people who came to contact him and tried to investigate his past disappeared." Spodoptera said seriously, "There is no evidence that he is related to him, but follow-up observations show that he has an extreme disregard for life. I don't rule out the possibility of a high IQ and anti-social personality."

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