We are NOT Sisters

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Summary: When Natasha, Yelena, and Kate go clothes shopping at the mall, disaster is bound to ensue. Especially when several people keep mistaking the three for sisters which Yelena always disputes with the utmost fervor. However, while Yelena will not claim Kate as a sister, she is not about to let anyone else mess with her.

   "Ooh, I love this one!!! What do you think?!" Yelena cried, holding out yet another graphic t-shirt as she held it out in Natasha's face. Natasha let out a deep breath from where she was leaning against the wall in the clothing store.

"What I think is that I'm starting to see why they included 'Forever' in the name of the store," Natasha pointed out, and Yelena rolled her eyes heavily as she unzipped her vest around her torso and tucked the shirt under it so that she could see how it would look on her.

Natasha, Yelena, and Kate had all gone out to the mall to go clothes shopping. So far, they had been to that dinky little gaming store in the lower parts of the mall, and they had stopped at every single store that Yelena found interesting between there and the clothing stores.

However, they were now finally in Forever 21, and they had been there for far too long already, and Natasha was ready to go to some of her favorite clothing stores.

"Look!!! It'll go perfectly with our vest!!!" Yelena cried excitedly, and Natasha raised an eyebrow somewhat grumpily as she eyed the blonde skeptically.

"Is it going to be our t-shirt, too?" Natasha questioned, completely unenthused as she clenched her teeth and tried to maintain an air of infallibleness about her. Yelena gave her a onceover before shrugging easily and holding the t-shirt out in front of her again as she examined it.

"Sure. I mean, if you want to wear it," Yelena expressed, her eyes sparkling, and Natasha sighed defeatedly. As much as she was not enjoying this, she could not help but enjoy the happiness that it brought to Yelena. It warmed her heart to be able to bring this much joy to the younger woman.

"That was sarcasm," Natasha tiredly responded finally. Yelena narrowed her eyes, huffing unhappily.

"Don't be such a party pooper! You should be happy! You like looking for clothes!" Yelena waved a hand at her, and Natasha shook her head.

"Yeah, when it's at a clothing store that actually sells leather and when the store itself doesn't stink like they merged it with the perfume section in Macy's," Natasha shot back at her, rubbing at her head as she tried to stave off the headache that was threatening to overtake her. She normally would have been far more tolerant of Yelena's shopping if they had not been in the store for ages.

But she kept reminding herself how happy it made her to see Yelena's adorably huge and bright smile after the shopping and when she got to combine her vests with her favorite graphic t-shirts in her own funky sense of functionality and fashion.

"Look, you're just being stubborn. We will go to your biker, leathery, spikey clothes store later! For now, I really like what I'm finding here. And look! Even Katie-Bear is having fun here!" Yelena declared as she pointed at Kate who was trying on blue-jean jackets not too far from them as she looked at herself in a mirror. Natasha knew Yelena was wanting to garner any manner of support that she could despite the fact that Yelena had not particularly relished Kate coming with them in the first place.

However, at the mention of the leather and spikes, Kate spun around quickly, moving quickly over to the both of them.

"Ooh, I want to go to the biker store!" Kate excitedly pointed out, shrugging off the blue-jean jacket she was wearing as she looked at Natasha with a ridiculously huge grin. Natasha could not help a slight smile as she eyed the girl, very pleased that Kate was taking her side despite Yelena's best efforts to the contrary.

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