Family Weekend: Part 1

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Summary: When Yelena and Natasha come to take care of Lila, Nate, and Cooper for the weekend so Clint and Laura can have some time to themselves, Yelena is somewhat nervous and Natasha is excited beyond belief. Yelena's worries slowly fade away and Natasha is even more fond of her kids after a weekend of fun and aggravation in which Yelena gets to know the kids even better and Natasha gets to spend time with some of her favorite people in the world.

   "Do you think they'll be excited to see us?" Yelena asked as the two of them got out of the car, reaching for their bags. Natasha just eyed her with a smile. Yelena gazed at her uncertainly as they withdrew their bags.

"Of course they will! I hear that Nate's been asking about you all the time," Natasha replied, and Yelena nodded a little despite her doubts surrounding that subject.

Yelena and Natasha had come to the Barton farm to spend a weekend with the kids while Laura and Clint got a much-deserved break all to themselves. Natasha was beyond excited, and Yelena was pretty excited herself, but she was still somewhat nervous about it. Her major worry was that the kids would not really want to see her again and that she had not made that big of an impression on them.

A big part of her was worried that she would be just an unnecessary addition to their weekend getaway with Natasha. However, Natasha had repeatedly assured her that the kids were excited to see her and that they adored her.

Yelena just tried to think positively despite the fact that she had a tendency to look at these sorts of things with realism that bordered on skepticism.

They then headed to the farmhouse, suitcases in hand, and Yelena felt the nervousness building within her even more greatly. To her surprise, Natasha suddenly wrapped an arm around her shoulders, pulling her into her side. Yelena looked at her gratefully, and Natasha offered her an easy smile as she kissed Yelena's temple. Yelena melted at the affection, truly grateful for her older sister.

They then arrived on the front porch, and Natasha pulled away to knock on the door.

After only a moment, Clint came to the door, a grin on his face as he opened it up.

"Nat," he happily greeted before hugging her tightly. Natasha laughed, embracing him in return with her free arm.

"Barton," she reciprocated the greeting just as fondly, her voice swelling with warmth. He then let her go, grinning at Yelena and nodding to her as he let the both of them in. Natasha and Yelena sat their suitcases near the doorway and entered the living room. Laura was beaming as she greeted the both of them, wrapping them both in a hug. Yelena leaned more into Natasha with the embrace because she still did not know Laura all that well and was not necessarily too comfortable with being so physically affectionate with her.

"Hey, you two! It's so good to have you," Laura expressed, squeezing them tightly, and Yelena could feel the contentment and happiness rolling off of Natasha in waves.

Laura finally released them with a hand on each of their shoulders.

"Thank you two for doing this. We appreciate it so much," Laura expressed, letting her hands fall from their shoulders, and Natasha just smiled in reply.

"Of course, Laura. We're always happy to take care of the kids for you," Natasha told her, her eyes practically glowing with warmth and happiness, and Yelena looked around at the mention of the kids, wondering where they were but not wanting to necessarily speak up and ask.

Luckily for her, Natasha picked up on her motion and Natasha began to look around as well, trying to spot the children.

"Speaking of the kids... Where are my kids, Barton?" Natasha asked finally, looking the man in the eyes with a playful smirk on her face as she raised an eyebrow. Yelena could see the redhead's eagerness despite her attempt at a cool demeanor. Clint shrugged in reply to her, a smile threatening to overtake his face as he no doubt noticed the same thing as Yelena had.

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