I Can't Lose You: Part 2

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Summary: When Yelena notices a man that has been staring at her throughout her afternoon runs, she purposefully allows herself to be caught by him, having a feeling that he was more dangerous than just an everyday creeper. She does not tell Natasha because she wants to impress her sister by single-handedly taking down this man and his potential operation, but she ends up having to notify Natasha last minute as she figures out that she was right about the man and that he has multiple armed accomplices. When Natasha gets there to save her, however, it is not a pretty sight, and Yelena has to help her older sister snap out of the violent, blind rage she finds herself in.

This time from Natasha's POV.

   Natasha sat down in the living room, something in her gut clenching a little as she suddenly got the worst feeling inside of her.

For the past few days, Natasha had been having this bad feeling when Yelena went out on her runs. It was unexplainable and she truly had no idea what was triggering it. Either way, she found herself positively unsettled until she could see Yelena back home safe, coming through the door with that typical loudness and her usual slushie that she grabbed from the convenience store on her way back.

Natasha fidgeted a bit in her seat, her legs pulled up into her chair with her as she tried to calm herself. She mentally resolved that she was going to go with Yelena for her run from now on until this feeling subsided. Maybe that way she could reassure herself that nothing was going to happen to her precious baby sister.

Suddenly, her phone buzzed loudly against the coffee table, and Natasha raised an eyebrow as she grabbed it quickly, trying to distract herself from her current dilemma.

However, the phone only served to intensify her feelings as she read the phone. Natasha's eyes widened as she realized the precise alert that was going off on her phone. She grabbed it in her hands tightly, her knuckles growing white as she gaped at the warning message.

Yelena's emergency tracker necklace was going off, and it seemed to be that she was very quickly traveling down the street that she usually went on for her daily run. It was at a much faster speed than she could have ever moved while running, and Natasha immediately knew that the blonde had to be in a car.

Natasha immediately stood up, dialing Clint's number as she headed for her room to gather her guns and widow's bites. She had no time to suit up, but she was definitely going to be as prepared as possible as quickly as possible.

"Hey, Nat, what's—"

"Get anyone at the tower that's available. Yelena's in trouble, and we've got to get to her," Natasha interrupted, sticking her gun in its holster as she tied the harnessed holster onto her legs swiftly. Natasha then quickly clasped on her widow's bites, holding the phone between her head and shoulder.

"Okay. What's the situation?" Clint asked, and Natasha could hear the slight shortness in his breath as he moved quickly on his side of the phone.

"Her tracker's showing that she's on the move quickly. I think it's a kidnapping," Natasha told him as she ran through the house, grabbing the keys off of her counter as she hurried past. She then rushed for the door, locking it behind her as she headed for the car.

"How could she have gotten kidnapped? Yelena's skilled enough to keep somebody from kidnapping her," he spoke, and Natasha felt her stomach clench as she realized that Yelena must have wanted to be kidnapped for some reason. The thought made Natasha pause, and it utterly perplexed her as she considered the thought.

However, she swiftly shook herself from the thought, getting into the car and deciding that she would worry with Yelena's reasoning behind all of this later. At this point, if Yelena thought the situation was serious enough to use the emergency button, she knew it was obviously something that Yelena could not handle on her own or was afraid she would not be able to.

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