Green-Eyed Monster: Part 10

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Summary: When Yelena has her second ever big mission and is going to be gone with Steve and Clint for four to six days, Natasha is convinced that she is going to be miserable and lonely just like she always is without her baby sister there to keep her company. However, she finds odd comfort in one Kate Bishop, and the both of them use this time to grow closer and form a strange yet close bond with one another.

But this does not set well with Yelena when she finds out about this large amount of time that Kate is spending with her Natasha and how close they are growing.

   There was silence for just a moment but it was quickly broken by Yelena looking down at the floor and limping over to the sink. Fanny hurried over to see her, wagging her tail as she nosed Yelena's palm. Yelena scratched the dog's head, and Natasha got up, walking over to her as she hesitantly approached her.

Natasha honestly wanted nothing more than to wrap Yelena in her arms and hug her tightly. She wanted to care for her and help her through whatever injuries she was suffering. She wanted to hold her and tell her how much she loved her and give her all of those cuddles that they missed out on.

However, she knew that Yelena was likely infuriated with her and hurt deeply, and she did not want to invoke her wrath any further. So she simply settled upon asking about her condition.

"Sweet girl... are you okay?" Natasha asked carefully, knowing that the question could bring a myriad of emotions and potential reactions. Yelena just ignored her for a moment, moving her hands up to the sink to wash them carefully. Natasha took a few small steps closer to her.

Once Yelena finally finished washing her hands and had splashed some warm water on her face, she dried them on a nearby hand towel and she slowly turned around to face Natasha. The redhead could easily see the now undisguised pain in her eyes that spanned both the physical and the emotional, and Natasha felt her heart hurting deeply as she looked into those gorgeous honey-greens that she had missed so much.

However, as Natasha focused less on her eyes, she realized that the younger woman had several cuts across her face and there was an angry bruise on the side of Yelena's neck. Yelena looked as if she had gone through a warzone, and it brought up so many questions in Natasha's mind about what had happened on the mission.

She could not help but wonder a little if Yelena's lack of response to the calls and texts the previous day was at least partly due to these injuries and whatever had caused them.

Yelena smiled just barely but it was a cruel, bitter upturn of her lips as she looked at Natasha, her eyes darkened with hurt.

"I guess you've been having fun, haven't you?" Yelena pointed out. Natasha felt as if she had been slapped.

Natasha had fun with Kate, but the entire thing was always shadowed by a deep sense of pain, longing, and desperation that was created in the wake of Yelena's absence.

"Not nearly as much fun as I would've had with you here," Natasha replied to her firmly, her eyes boring holes into Yelena's as she tried to assure the younger girl of the truth in her words. Yelena just huffed humorlessly, the smile falling away as she stepped around Natasha and limped toward her room. Natasha followed her closely, ready to catch her if she were to fall regardless of the blonde's feelings toward her at this point. As soon as Yelena opened the door, she stiffened, pausing as she looked at the room. Natasha stopped just behind her, and Yelena's jaw clenched as she took a breath.

"It stinks like Bishop in here," Yelena pointed out gruffly before heading to her dresser and withdrawing fresh clothes for herself. Natasha looked at her worriedly for a long moment before wordlessly heading into the bathroom and withdrawing the first aid kit. She knew Yelena likely did not want her helping her at this moment, but she was determined to do something. She could not just let her baby sister patch herself up on her own, and she was hoping that by offering some help, she might could get Yelena to open up and start talking to her.

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