Green-Eyed Monster: Part 3

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Summary: When Yelena has her second ever big mission and is going to be gone with Steve and Clint for four to six days, Natasha is convinced that she is going to be miserable and lonely just like she always is without her baby sister there to keep her company. However, she finds odd comfort in one Kate Bishop, and the both of them use this time to grow closer and form a strange yet close bond with one another.

But this does not set well with Yelena when she finds out about this large amount of time that Kate is spending with her Natasha and how close they are growing.

   "Kate... Hey, sweetheart, wake up," a voice gently came in, an affectionate hand touching her shoulder and shaking her awake gently. Kate stirred just a little, scrunching her nose a bit as she nestled into the blanket pulled up near her face.

A chuckle resounded near her, and a hand very softly touched her face. Kate nuzzled into it, her nose brushing the palm of it as she closed her eyes and took in a gentle breath. There was a familiar, clean scent about the hand, and she was honestly too far in the throes of unconsciousness to truly register what she was doing and who it was that she was doing it to.

"I made breakfast. It's going to get cold if you don't get up," the voice persisted, and Kate opened her eyes just barely before freezing up, realizing precisely whose hand that she was sticking her face against. Kate's eyes widened just a bit, and she moved her head away from Natasha's hand quickly.

To her surprise, instead of seeming weirded out or uncomfortable, Natasha only seemed amused with Kate's action, her eyes glowing affectionately as she eyed her. Kate grinned slightly guiltily, the influence of sleep still overtaking quite a bit of her actions as she sluggishly blinked.

"Sorry 'bout that," Kate apologized, although she was not quite sure if Natasha understood what she was saying sorry for. Natasha just brought her hand back up to Kate's face hesitantly, and Kate felt her heart swelling with affection for the older woman as Natasha gently brushed some hair out of her face.

It was just such a painfully tender gesture, and she had not had the privilege of feeling anything even remotely akin to this since her mother. And her mother had never really been too doting upon her except in occasional situations. Kate's mother was generally too busy being strict as Kate had grown older, trying to mold her into something she would never be and had no desire to be.

Kate loved her, but they had grown apart because of that. Despite how much her mother had tried to remain motherly with fond touches and gentle words of advice, the rift made the affection unpleasant for Kate because she felt like her mother saw more of the prodigal heir to the company Kate than just her archery-loving daughter. In fact, that uncomfortableness in how her mother tried to force Kate into that role of the perfect daughter was part of why Kate chose to go to a university away from home and stay in the dorms there.

But something in the way Natasha offered affection was different. Natasha had no expectations of her besides Kate being herself, and Kate was endlessly thankful. With Natasha, it did not feel like every touch and every kind word had an invisible string attached to it.

"Don't apologize. You're fine," Natasha told her quietly, her voice barely audible as she smiled at Kate. Kate smiled back at her, quickly raising her eyebrows as she truly took in where she was.

She was in Natasha and Yelena's house, and it was morning. It quickly occurred to her that she must have fallen asleep during the movie. However, she did wonder why Natasha had not woken her up. Kate was thankful that Natasha had allowed her to stay, but she could not help but wonder if she was an annoyance to the redhead.

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